First Lady's Handshake Spells Muslim Trouble

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I can't believe this many people get so worked up over a goddamn handshake. :mad: If we have more nuclear weapons than you do, we get to choose the appropriate greeting. Deal with it.



(and yes... the caps were necessary.)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Did she do the index finger palm rub?


"I tried to prevent [being touched] with my hands but Mrs. Michelle held her hands too far toward me [so] we touched"

Tifatul "I'm sorry, Mrs President, but men here do not touch women who are not family members."

Michelle "Oh I am very sorry, forgive me."

Tifatul "Oh not at all, how were you to know. Please enjoy your stay here in our beautiful country."

Problem solved.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
It's wrong for Moslems to touch women who aren't related to them? This could explain my Pakistani colleague's sister's moustache...
Trouble? Yup. Big time trouble! Indonesia is a third world nation. Without first world health care this guy never got his cooties shot... AND HE GOT TOUCHED BY A GIRL!!!!!

Circle, circle, dot, dot. Now you've got your cooties shot!

Whew... another crisis averted.

Elektra Knight

Official Checked Star Member
I remember when there was something in the news because the first lady touched the queen of England. maybe she shouldn't be so touchy. LOL
This is clearly a big mistake by Michelle Obama : Before you go to a foreign country and meet its people, you gather informations about their culture.
Such a mistake is the proof that Michelle didn't respect this people, or at least not enough to care about their customs.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If a sassy, middle-aged black woman wants to shake your hand, all I can say is that you better shake her hand.
That was bad on her part. She is the presidents wife. She should have learned a bit about the people before going. She really seems to have this need to touch people. Maybe he should be worried.


Hiliary 2020
oops , she did it again.
imagine if this starts world war 3?

in most of the world we think of thnigs like this and putting her arm around the queen of England as no big deal.
and in a way it isnt.
but we must respect their culture and they also have to understand that their was no harm intended.

i do however think the putting her arm around the queen was intentionally disrespectful.
she knew what she was doing.
there was an unspoken air of "fuck you England" behind it.
or maybe she was just ignorant.
either way, for a thousand years no one, not even the princes or princesses have touched the king or queen, then here comes michelle........
This is blown way out of proportion. The handshake is well known as the universal way we greet new people. Even if you go to China or Japan and bow to someone you just met, they will attempt to shake your hand.