First Lady Melania Trump

I attended private school until my sophomore year, then I transferred to public school and my parents hated it. But things I studied in 7th grade at private school was just being covered in public school. I entered college during my senior year in high school and earned a few advanced college credits because I believe I was prepared by the private school. I finished undergrad and law school in less than 7 years.

Worship me.
I attended private schoo.... ramble ramble ramble......blah blah blah(like i give a hairy ass)
I attended private schoo.... ramble ramble ramble......blah blah blah(like i give a hairy ass)
I highly recommend a college preparatory school.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I went to parochial schools up until my sophomore year of high school and my mom got pissed at the priest who ran the place. Pulled us all out and sent us to one of the best public high schools in the country. I took a few AP courses and went on to the U of Iowa on a foosball scholarship. That's where 'Ol Blue and I diverge. I wound up with probably the worst double majors (if there can be a worst major) Alcoholism/Academic Probation. Lost muh ride and joined the Corps. The rest be history.

Oh yeah, Milannia..Millania...Millenium? Fuck it. The First Lady is the most beautiful we've had since Jackie Kennedy had to endure her insufferable scumbag husband. There, I wrote it. JFK was a scumbag.
We have the best First Lady, folks. If Trump were a democrat president the leftist media would be ejaculating on air over their queen.

the left mock her accent. way to be multicultural and tolerant.

I’d still like to know why he cheated on her with a porn skank.
Have you seen some of the photos of Daniels without makeup?


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
We have the best First Lady, folks. If Trump were a democrat president the leftist media would be ejaculating on air over their queen.

the left mock her accent. way to be multicultural and tolerant.


I like her a lot.
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First Lady Melania Trump in hospital:

First lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure Monday to treat a benign kidney condition, the White House announced.

Mrs. Trump was treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and will likely be in the hospital for the rest of the week, according to the first lady’s communications director.

“This morning, First Lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition. The procedure was successful and there were no complications,” the communications director, Stephanie Grisham, said in a statement Monday. “Mrs. Trump is at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and will likely remain there for the duration of the week. The First Lady looks forward to a full recovery so she can continue her work on behalf of children everywhere.”

I'm sure I join everyone here wishing her the best.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Melania has my deepest sympathy for enduring this relationship and putting up with this obese imbecile bully, even if she were (probably is) only in it for the money.


Staff member
Melania has my deepest sympathy for enduring this relationship and putting up with this obese imbecile bully, even if she were (probably is) only in it for the money.

The guy was a successful businessman and is a true patriot unlike Barry. You may not like Trump but millions of Americans like him except the socialist and liberal ones as well as the european leftists. I share more Trump's conservative views than with anything liberal or socialist related. The guy has charisma and loves his wife that what counts.


Hiliary 2020
The guy was a successful businessman and is a true patriot unlike Barry. You may not like Trump but millions of Americans like him except the socialist and liberal ones as well as the european leftists. I share more Trump's conservative views than with anything liberal or socialist related. The guy has charisma and loves his wife that what counts.

I hate him. I voted for him also.
I'm not socialist or liberal or european.

I'm just wondering how he is a patriot.
Is it because he pursued Hiliary for all the crimes she did? Taking massive bribes as SOS, rigging the primary against Sanders, and the hundreds of other things she could have been investigated arrested and convicted for?

Oh wait. NO.

How about because he ended the US's illegal invasion of Syria?
Oh no thats worse than ever.

Is it because he drained the Swamp?
Oh no , he actually filled it.
Surrounded himself with the biggest neocons and Israeli citizen politicians and "officials", the ones who do whats best for Israel over the country they get paid to look out for. The exact same people who've been around for 20 or more years calling the shots.

Is it because he killed the Iran Deal at the "request" of Netanyahoo even though every other country involved spoke out against doing so?

I'm just trying to figure out what makes this billionaire such a patriot other than that he says he is.


Staff member
Bribes? You know that all the accusations against Trump are fabricated since the very beginning, don't you??? As mentions the article below Obama CIA chief led Operation to frame Trump all this based on blattantly false and fabricated accusations.
Hillary was a socialist swine and bitch first to deal with and has a lot of blood on her hands and let's not forget Benghazi, lies about their server and many many things more plus her husband was a fucking liar under oath and a blowjobber.
Do you really think that a country which was run by 1979 by Ayatollahs and people like Ahmadinejhad is trustworthy and is true to its world? The answer is no.Israel is with Jordan the only democracy in the Midlle East that serves and defends the American interests since its foundation.
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