I have nothing against Melania but I don't think she "has represented this nation with total grace and class". I don't even think she "has represented this nation" by any other mean than holding walking side by side with her husband when they go abroad.
My guess is she doesn't like being the First Lady, she doesn't like the constant media attention. She doesn't like representing the nation. And there's nothing wrong with that.
(And please don't bring Brigitte Macron in the discussion : Brigitte is not the french First Lady. There is no First Lady in France, Brigitte is just the president's wife, she does not represent anything).
Then there's the issue of the languages we're told she speaks (Slovenian, English, French, Italian and Greek)
- Slovenian : It's her mother language. I assume she's 100% fluent
- English : Fluent, with quite an accent
- Greek : Actually I don't know. I've never heard speak greek and actually I don't speak any word of Greek soi I wouldn't know if she speaks greek well or not
-French : As you know, I'm french so I can judge wether Melania is really fluent in French or not. Here's a vidoe of Melania visitinga Children Hospital in Paris :
You can hear her saying two sentences in French : "Bonjour" ("Hello") and "Je m'appelle Melania" (My name is Melania. Except from these two basic (like 1st day of you english course basic) sentences, everytyhing she says is in english. If she's really fluent in french, why would she us english to talk to french kids ? So Melania, fluent in french ? I don't think so...
- Italian : Here's a video of Melania visiting a Children Hospital in Rome
The only italian words you can hear her saying are "Ciao, Come Staï" (Hi, how are you). Again basic italian. But even that she couldn't have it good, she made a mistake, the kind of mistake someone who is fluent in Italian would never make : She said to the kids "Come Stai", which is used to ask the question to a very specific person. I you want to ask that same question to a group of people, you say "Come state". Verbs's conjugation in english are pretty simple. In italian, they are a little more complicated : the énd person singular is different from the énd person plural. So once again, Melania, fluent in Italian. I don't think so
But even thought she dis say she speaks these languages I don't begrudge her for that lie. Who care what language the First Lady speaks.
What bothers me is Trumptards bragging about their First Lady 'cause she so beautiful, so elegant (yes, she is beautiful and elegant), so smart and so fluent in 5 while she's fluent in 2 (maybe 3) languages
How many languages I speak ? French, English, Spanish (not that well, I don't have many opportunities to practice) and a litte bit of Italian