First film appearance! The film is called Bukake

Wow. That may be an uncomfortable day filming.



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'd love to see the comments.
Mom: We are so proud of you! We want to see the movie when it comes out!
UncleClark: Uh...yeah. I want to see the movie, too...
Ed: Hey! I'll be there!
Shanna: Bring a mop.
That is how it might be if we could have commented.. lol

StanScratch: I hope they don't notice the freckle on my smeckle.
Dirk: I can't wait to be lurking around in this one.
Cutie: Oh dear lord you get that stuff away from me.
Roald: My turn!
Christa: Why the fuck am I watching?
Feller: I can't see a thing.
Dirk: Hey man we're all over here.
Cutie: Where? How? Why?
StanScratch: Hehehe.
Dirk: Oh look everyone, thar they blow!
Cutie: I can't watch this!
Christa: I wasn't looking, I was wanting the free Oreos.
Dirk: I got your Oreos right here.
Cutie: Sicko!
StanScratch: mmmm Oreos, HEY I'M NOT GAY!
Dirk: Keep telling yourself that.
Feller: Shit I'm missing it.
StanStratch: Anyone up for hotdogs?
Christa: NO!
Cutie: Dirk has been lurking in them.
StanStratch: I thought they tasted funny.