Firefighters watch home burn away since owner didn't pay fee

But isn't this exactly what Teabaggers want...not being taxed by the government nor getting social services by the government they despise so much?

September 30, 2010

OBION COUNTY, Tenn. - Imagine your home catches fire but the local fire department won't respond, then watches it burn. That's exactly what happened to a local family tonight.

A local neighborhood is furious after firefighters watched as an Obion County, Tennessee, home burned to the ground.

The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn't do anything to stop his house from burning.

Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay.

The mayor said if homeowners don't pay, they're out of luck.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Why does this remind me of a scene from Gangs of New York?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I know the firefighters are going to look like huge assholes in this story - and it's understandable as to why - but, the guy didn't pay his fire protection fee. Sure, it sounds ridiculous that someone would have to pay a fee to get fire protection service, but it's really no different than taxes. People pay taxes and fees like this to provide themselves and others with important services and commodities, such as roads, garbage pick up, police officers and fire fighters. And, if you don't pay your taxes - or, in this case, your fee - than you shouldn't be entitled to those services.

It sucks for this guy, but if he wanted the assurance of having fire fighters to help him if his house was burning down, he should've paid his $75.
I know the firefighters are going to look like huge assholes in this story - and it's understandable as to why - but, the guy didn't pay his fire protection fee. Sure, it sounds ridiculous that someone would have to pay a fee to get fire protection service, but it's really no different than taxes. People pay taxes and fees like this to provide themselves and others with important services and commodities, such as roads, garbage pick up, police officers and fire fighters. And, if you don't pay your taxes - or, in this case, your fee - than you shouldn't be entitled to those services.

It sucks for this guy, but if he wanted the assurance of having fire fighters to help him if his house was burning down, he should've paid his $75.

That's the reason why most municipalities tax you for things like this...but the OP has a point if we take the teabaggers at their most fundamental perspective..this is the world you have...

The problem with these things is you can't parse them and in most cases it's not a vacuum circumstance...It's not in my interest to have my neighbor's house burn to the ground or threaten my property because they didn't or couldn't pay their fee....Or that the police don't investigate a burglary at 3 homes in my neighborhood because they owners didn't or couldn't pay some security fee...thereby placing my property at risk....So it's worthwhile IMO to collectively pay these things in order that the service be available ANYTIME necessary.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I know the firefighters are going to look like huge assholes in this story - and it's understandable as to why - but, the guy didn't pay his fire protection fee. Sure, it sounds ridiculous that someone would have to pay a fee to get fire protection service, but it's really no different than taxes. People pay taxes and fees like this to provide themselves and others with important services and commodities, such as roads, garbage pick up, police officers and fire fighters. And, if you don't pay your taxes - or, in this case, your fee - than you shouldn't be entitled to those services.

It sucks for this guy, but if he wanted the assurance of having fire fighters to help him if his house was burning down, he should've paid his $75.


Pay your fees you fuckin' mope. If I was one of the fireman, I would have brought a lawn chair and a case of beer. Then I would taunt him: "I'll bet $75 a year doesn't seem too unreasonable now does it?"


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
That's the reason why most municipalities tax you for things like this...but the OP has a point if we take the teabaggers at their most fundamental perspective..this is the world you have...

The problem with these things is you can't parse them and in most cases it's not a vacuum circumstance...It's not in my interest to have my neighbor's house burn to the ground or threaten my property because they didn't or couldn't pay their fee....Or that the police don't investigate a burglary at 3 homes in my neighborhood because they owners didn't or couldn't pay some security fee...thereby placing my property at risk....So it's worthwhile IMO to collectively pay these things in order that the service be available ANYTIME necessary.

People who don't pay their taxes and people who don't pay their fees shouldn't have the same treatment as people who do. If everybody got the same treatment, regardless if they paid their taxes/fees or not, then nobody would pay taxes. I mean, why would you? Why pay for things that I can get for free, you know?

Let's say that this guy did receive fire protection from his local fire department, even though he didn't pay his fee. Wouldn't that give the rest of the people who actually did pay their fee a valid and completely justifiable reason to bitch and request that they get their money back? "Hey, that guy didn't pay his $75 fee, but he still received fire protection service. What am I paying $75 for if people who don't pay anything receive the same benefit as I do? What a scam!!!"


Does it suck that this guy lost his home to a fire? Yes. Is it his fault that his house burnt down? Not that I am aware of (I didn't read anywhere that listed the cause, but I assume it was an accident). But, it is his fault that he didn't have fire protection service - he didn't pay his fee, therefore, he doesn't get fire protection service.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I agree he should have payed his taxes, but theoretically, couldn't they have saved his house and then charged him an outrageous fee for it? That's what I would have done.
While I really dislike and distrust the implementation of privately held or at least semi-privately held rights to public services such as these upon which all of a towns needs are solely focused on that service which isn't as regulated as one that is state run; I really have to agree with Chef here. You know that you have to pay these people for this service, by living in that town you have agreed to it, so if you choose not to then your property isn't covered and if it burns to the ground then it's a shame but you haven't lived up to your responsibilities.

It's a shame that these people weren't covered and it's a shame that this particular town believes it to be in the best interest of there citizens to put them under the jurisdiction of a somewhat private entity. But those are the breaks and they're just going to have to live with it.

I don't like it, I would never want it for my own city. But that's just how it is. :dunno:
if they were actually there then they should have done something, or else just stay at the fire dept and wait for another house to caught fire and put it out (assuming that house paid the $75. lol)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ That sig looks awesome. :thumbsup:
Here in the Phoenix area we have many county "islands", areas that have choosen not to incorporate into a surrounding city. They are serviced buy Rural Metro and have to pay a fee for Fire and Paramedic service, if you don't pay they might not come and it's your own fault. Pay the damn fee or don't cry about it after, he rolled the dice and lost!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why must every post include the neocons and the tea party folks?

Because apart from these buzz words, his posts don't contain any substance.

People who don't pay their taxes and people who don't pay their fees shouldn't have the same treatment as people who do. If everybody got the same treatment, regardless if they paid their taxes/fees or not, then nobody would pay taxes. I mean, why would you? Why pay for things that I can get for free, you know?

Let's say that this guy did receive fire protection from his local fire department, even though he didn't pay his fee. Wouldn't that give the rest of the people who actually did pay their fee a valid and completely justifiable reason to bitch and request that they get their money back? "Hey, that guy didn't pay his $75 fee, but he still received fire protection service. What am I paying $75 for if people who don't pay anything receive the same benefit as I do? What a scam!!!"


Does it suck that this guy lost his home to a fire? Yes. Is it his fault that his house burnt down? Not that I am aware of (I didn't read anywhere that listed the cause, but I assume it was an accident). But, it is his fault that he didn't have fire protection service - he didn't pay his fee, therefore, he doesn't get fire protection service.

Because if you didn't pay your property taxes (for example) your home would be subject to seizure in lieu of the taxes you owe. Then they would sell your home to someone who would pay them like they're supposed to.

But only a portion of your property taxes go toward local services...that's what the city or local municipality collects taxes for. In the overwhelming majority of case they don't send you a bill to maintain your membership in the fire protection program. That's the reason why most of these services aren't subject to your decision to pay for them per se. What if your neighbor didn't pay to have his trash removed...or 5 of them didn't or couldn't??? You see where this is going? That's why you pay these things by way of some direct transaction tax. Be it attached on some water bill or gas bill or whatever.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, your house catches truck shows up..puts it out and you report your loss to your ins. company..end of story.

Again, I want this type of service to be never know what circumstance your neighbor is in to where they may not be able to pay some fee irrespective of how reasonably nominal.

I don't want firemen checking some data base to see if they're going to show up to put out a fire...what if someone was in the house?? Or it was adjacent to your home and you didn't want the fire to jump to your property???
This video is a satire and deals with free market Fire Departments. But now The Flamers Movement has becomes a reality. OMG.

"Thanks, DAD. :mad: fuck..:mad:"

Talk about the boy who cried wolf, dang...

How would the home insurance work then? Would he still be covered? I can't see insurance companies wanting to insure an unprotected home... :dunno:
This video is a satire and deals with free market Fire Departments. But now The Flamers Movement has becomes a reality. OMG.

If fire departments were privatized, I can imagine some corporatized fire departments becoming corrupted and greedy by encouraging employees or bribing arsonists to purposely burn down homes and businesses just so these corporate fire departments can reap profits