Fire and Fury

"... like the world has never seen."


1. an extremely powerful state that dominates all other states in every sphere of activity
2. the power wielded by such a state


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I typically don't give much thought to North Korean saber rattling, that's been their biggest weapon for years. However, I saw some reporting this weekend that I found a bit concerning, the prospect that North Korea has submarine ballistic missile technology. That would be a game-changer, currently it's highly dubious if a North Korean missile could reach the West Coast, but with a submarine platform, Kim Jong Un could make 9-11 pale in comparison in a worst case scenario. Of course the total and complete annihilation of the Northern half of the Korean peninsula would be assured, but I don't think that would be enough of a deterrent, if they've got enough of a grip on the tech to even make a half-assed launch, I think they will, when they do.
We wouldn't annihilate the northern half of the peninsula. Too many people in South Korea to consider.

However we would use neutron nuclear weapons against them and neutralize their forces and after a neutron detonation it is easy to occupy an area.

I am sure this is being discussed and considered as an option at this very moment.

I still think China will watch until the very last moment and intervene if necessary. They have a lot to lose by an exchange between the U.S. and North Korea.
Wouldn't the use neutron nuclear wepon have devastating effects on the population. I'm no expert but I know neuton weapons are the kind that kills people but let the buildings standing.

Don't we know were their nuclear instalions are ? Couldn't it be possible to bomb the shit out of them ?
Wouldn't the use neutron nuclear wepon have devastating effects on the population. I'm no expert but I know neuton weapons are the kind that kills people but let the buildings standing.

Don't we know were their nuclear instalions are ? Couldn't it be possible to bomb the shit out of them ?

These neutron weapons are tactical. Supposedly most were dismantled in 2011.

I think we probably have one or two still lying around.

Anyway, things are heating up.

The Bones are on their way
Wouldn't the use neutron nuclear wepon have devastating effects on the population. I'm no expert but I know neuton weapons are the kind that kills people but let the buildings standing.

Don't we know were their nuclear instalions are ? Couldn't it be possible to bomb the shit out of them ?

Yeah, it actually was meant to be used over friendly countries like former West Germany against Soviet armored columns.

I'm no military strategist nor mind reader, but just taking out their nuclear installations (which are probably deep underground) won't be enough. There are also the thousands of artillery pieces zeroed in on Seoul and many of those batteries are fortified into the sides of mountains. Those can also deliver chemical, biological and nuclear. Then there are the mobile ICBMs. It would have to to be an all-out simultaneous and absolutely devastating strike to minimize any counterattack.

Then there's the issue of North Korean troops crossing the DMZ and invading the South. Which is what this whole thing is about. A reunification of the glorious Korean peninsula.
Yeah, it actually was meant to be used over friendly countries like former West Germany against Soviet armored columns.

I'm no military strategist nor mind reader, but just taking out their nuclear installations (which are probably deep underground) won't be enough. There are also the thousands of artillery pieces zeroed in on Seoul and many of those batteries are fortified into the sides of mountains. Those can also deliver chemical, biological and nuclear. Then there are the mobile ICBMs. It would have to to be an all-out simultaneous and absolutely devastating strike to minimize any counterattack.

Then there's the issue of North Korean troops crossing the DMZ and invading the South. Which is what this whole thing is about. A reunification of the glorious Korean peninsula.

Yep. This is a delicate situation considering the proximity of Seoul to the DMZ.

I think KJU's goal is to reunite Korea. When I mention neutron weapons I am thinking in the context of thwarting an assault by the North on the South with as little civilian casualties as possible.

The real question is, does China want this crap right next door? Is it worth it? Another thing that could come from this is a re-armed Japan, and I know China doesn't want that.

They could amass troops on the Chinese North Korean border and have this problem solved by Friday.


Closed Account
About an hour ago while watching the local News, I just realized another possible factor in the equation. I just barely heard that in 6 months, the Winter Olympics take place ... in South Korea! I'm now suddenly thinking that almost assuredly, Fatboy is no doubt convinced, counting on, betting on that neither the USA or any other country will want to start something anytime soon in the next several months and risk "forcing him" to retaliate by inflicting some serious damage on Seoul either right before or even during the Olympics. IF this were Fatboy's thinking, then he's betting that he can continue his In Yer Face Missile Testing stunts and no one will actually dare launch a military response, much less a Fire & Fury one in the next 8 or so months.

But, Fatboy sure is asking for it. As that ape told Charleton Heston's Taylor at the end of Planet of the Apes --- Be careful what you go looking for. You might not like what you find.


Closed Account
Otherwise, up to now, the trend has usually been for Fatboy to purposely test his missiles on USA holidays. Therefore, his next test stands a high probability of taking place next month right on Labor Day. So who knows? The shit could hit the fan on Labor Day if the USA military powers that be decide to catch Fatboy off guard on that day if he tests another missile on that day thinking that there wouldn't be a response as usual.
Never considered the Olympics thing.

If Fatboy thinks that Curling and Bobsledding will give him cover for threatening a U.S. city with a nuke he thought wrong.


Closed Account
As to Fatboy now threatening to attack Guam? Well, that reminded me of that certain line in the movie Full Metal Jacket when one of the recruits said something out of line and the Drill Sergeant, all pissed off, goes something along the lines of, "Who was the mother fucking son of a bitch who just signed his own death warrant?" :D Yeah, that's what Fatboy would do if he decides to try his luck with a supposed message-sending run of the mill attack on Guam.


Hiliary 2020
What exactly did he do to merit starting a war?
Possibly a war that could go nuclear.
Another never ending war which millions of HUMAN BEINGS die and suffer?

What is North Korea doing that the US can legally or morally attack them?
Have they attacked other countries like the US has?
Threatened them like the US has?
Bombed them into the Stone Age and killed thousands of civilians in the process like you guessed it......?

When you say he better come to his senses, how?
Bow down to the USA?
Apologize for something?
Dismantle their military?
Allow a Rothschild Central Bank to enslave and impoversh their country?

If I recall Hussien and Gadaffi did everything the US wanted, especialy Libya, and they still were attacked and millions of their human beings killed.

And if any of you think that this is Trump or any other polticians or disgusting UN representatives idea think again.
If any of you think they are looking out for whats best for the people of the USA wake the fuck up.
They are all puppets of the Central Bank. The ZIO/Israel central bank.

These wars are not to help us, they are not to protect us.
They are about money and control for the banks, that banks that control our currency and economy.
The ones who own our politicians.

But lets forget all that.
Lets think of this:
Will a war with Korea help you or your family?
Will it help any American?

Clearly nobody cares about bombing and killing thousands of human beings including children.
Or starving the survivors , including children.
(That must be a sight to watch a child starve to death).
But what about your own self preservation? Is that motive enough?

This is bullshit. Trump promised to MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN.
Attacking Syria, Korea, Iran aint gonna make it great its gonna make it worse.
Maybe a lot worse.

The US is being sacrificed and its politicians are selling it out.
So obvious but Americans cant see it because there brains are so obscured by endless propaganda.
What exactly did he do to merit starting a war?
Possibly a war that could go nuclear.

What is North Korea doing that the US can legally or morally attack them?
Have they attacked other countries like the US has?
Threatened them like the US has?
Bombed them into the Stone Age and killed thousands of civilians in the process like......?

When you say he better come to his senses, how?
Bow down to the USA?
Apologize for something?
Dismantle their military?
Allow a Rothschild Central Bank to impoversh the country?

If I recall Hussien and Gadaffi did everything the US wanted, especialy Libya, and they still were attacked and millions of their human beings killed.

And if any of you think that this is Trump or any other polticians or disgusting UN representatives idea think again.
If any of you think they are looking out for whats best for the people of the USA wake the fuck up.
They are all puppets of the Central Bank. The ZIO/Israel central bank.

These wars are not to help us, they are not to protect us.
They are about money and control for the banks, that banks that control our currency and economy.
The ones who own our politicians.

But lets forget all that.
Lets think of this:
Will a war with Korea help you or your family?
Will it help any American?

Clearly nobody cares about bombing and killing thousands of human beings including children.
Or starving the survivors , including children.
(That must be a sight to watch a child starve to death).
But what about your own self preservation? Is that motive enough?

Oh just shut up.

This bastard has nukes. He has threatened to use them.

The United States or any other country would react to these kind of threats.

You're one of those Code Pink types aren't you?

Nobody wants war, I am sure Trump doesn't.

Especially now.
Three threats we face with North Korea

1. Use of nuclear weapons
2. Selling of nuclear weapons. Possible that they could sell nuclear material to a state or non-state actor. The old man sold nuclear technology to Syria years ago. So North Korea has shown the willingness to sell at least the technology
3. Loose nukes. You have tons of nuclear weapons stored all over North Korea. What would happen if the regime collpases? Who would get control of them?

So what are our options? There are no good options at this point. What needs to happen is for the Chinese to squeeze North Korea. They need to squeeze North Korea and change their behavior. But they won't want to do that. Why? Because to them an unstable nuclear DPK is worse than a nuclear armed DPK. What they fear most is instability. They don't want to risk having loose nukes and they don't want hundreds of thousands of refugees that would flow north into China if the regime collapses. They work with us on the little things like the U.N sanctions but they're not going to do anything that would strangle the DPK

At this point we need to simply focus on deterrents. Deter use and sale. We need to be very clear with KJU, both in public and private, that if he uses nukes, we will annihilate the DPK. And second, if you ever sell nukes we will take action. We also need to build up our missile defenses. Not only for us but also for our allies in the region.

The most likely of the three threats though is loose nukes in a failed regime scenario. That's were we need to work with the Chinese. We need to work with them on an intelligence basis to figure out where all the nukes are at a given time so that when and if the regime collapses we can have a plan ready whereby the Chinese move in and secure sites in the north and we move in and secure sites in the south.
Why would fat boy want to die? He's got his magic little totalitarian kingdom there where he can do anything he wants, kill anybody he wants, fuck anything he wants.
If I were him I might continue rocking the boat in an attempt to get concessions, but I sure wouldn't want to do anything that would lead to my demise :dunno: