Fir Tree Removed from Patients's LUNG !

:rofl: He must have felt a bit of a prick?
Yeah, it GREW INSIDE of him???
I guess there's a CHANCE this whole story could be just that - a (fake) story.

If not, this should get some major news coverage. It's oddball news, yes, but truly unique and of medical interest, too.

Can a fir tree sprout without light? How does human blood provide the proper nutrients for a tree? Can fir trees bite?



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
... the fuck?

Ahem. This is completely overused, but actually appropriate for ONCE.
In russia, seeds plant you. :nods:


Am I the only person who thinks that site is a joke news site? Look at the other articles.

Muslim father orders daughter killed over short skirt.

Hapless robber gets caught in shop window.

What, you don't think that moslem fathers would harm, much less kill their daughter(s) for non compliance of Koranic Law ? :eek:
What, you don't think that moslem fathers would harm, much less kill their daughter(s) for non compliance of Koranic Law ? :eek:

OR that somebody could get busted in a shop window? (Cheap political points aside, BOTH of those stories are quite plausible)


caught in shop window.

"Caught" and busted too :D

Just like those venturous burglars who put on a few extra pounds since the last time they made way through the chimney or HVAC ducts . . :uohs: . . only to get snagged in the process :o :D. Boy that would sure suck being snagged in tight quarters by the rear center belt loop of your pants ! :redface:

Aside - How did you miss posting the sunday school teacher turned fister - rapist - dikester - pedophile - murderer. . huckabee is her name ? :dunno:
I'd normally offer the ":D" icon, about now but since an 8 yo girl is dead . . :flame:

Back to human lung forestry . . .
It does not seem to be a fake story. I saw a big report about this case, with the interviews of the doctors who were doing the surgery, and with the guy himslef. There were too much details, including names of the doctors, name of the city and the particular hospital and even X-ray pictures (I am not sure how is it called in a proper way) of his lungs.

This report was shown at the newschannel which is not considered to be "the yellow press".

And the doctors are still not sure, how was this branch of a fir tree able to appear in the lung. So they say that they gonna make some kind of exploration and research about this case, cuz it seems to be unique.

One of the doctors in the TV interview says, that it is impossible for the tree to grow up inside of the lungs, cuz there is no sunlight available. Without sunlight it can't be green pigmentation of the needles. So there are two schools of thought about that...

very strange story indeed!