waffles, tasty waffles with lots of syrup. You can sample some of our delicious...
Priapus Sep 19, 2006 #3,721 waffles, tasty waffles with lots of syrup. You can sample some of our delicious...
jod0565 Member, you member... Sep 19, 2006 #3,723 ...Say, "Where's the beef?" Eating raw meat will increase your...
Priapus Sep 19, 2006 #3,725 Dammit, I had a good answer, but Pussyman69 beat me too it, no big deal.: energy from the live enzymes it contains. make you itch, you would need to break out the coal tar shampoo. Supporters of the raw food diet...
Dammit, I had a good answer, but Pussyman69 beat me too it, no big deal.: energy from the live enzymes it contains. make you itch, you would need to break out the coal tar shampoo. Supporters of the raw food diet...
I Iamforever Banned Sep 19, 2006 #3,726 dont realize the great taste of a burger. what happens when....
member006 Closed Account Sep 19, 2006 #3,727 ...you cross a fox with a rhino? I wish it would rain or get off the pot, I have....
jod0565 Member, you member... Sep 20, 2006 #3,735 ...attack your computer. Tall CowBot is Tall Cowboy's...
member006 Closed Account Sep 21, 2006 #3,737 ...smell your breath. Sometimes it amazes me that I can stay awake .....
D D-rock Sep 21, 2006 #3,739 ...take you on a magic carpet ride, which is really a bottle of booze and a picknic blanket. I'm the train they call The City of....
...take you on a magic carpet ride, which is really a bottle of booze and a picknic blanket. I'm the train they call The City of....