Finding My posts and replys???...

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I had posted a question in the ""WATCH THIS VIDEO"" area and now i can't find it,
ALSO, i had givin my thought on the ADULT PAY SITE REVIEW and THAT post i can't even find...

SO, how do i go about finding my OWN Messages???...

Will E Worm

Look at the right hand corner where your username is and click it.

You will go to your page. Then click on statistics.

You can then click on "find all posts or "find all threads". :hatsoff:
FYI: your message in the review section wasn't making any sense and was deleted.
So one post was deleted, Ive had a few deleted as well, and probably more that Ive never even noticed. Let it go man.
im not saying that THIS is a PORN PAY SITE
what i'm saying is....

is that my post in the ADULT SECTION was removed.. that's what i'm referring to

Well in that case, here is your post:

i HATE ""Adult Pay Sites ""
a - i think they suck
b - a major pain in the ass
c - anyone who USES THEM is just a fool
d - it's just a scam
e - you don't get much out of it
so that's what I THINK of ""Adult Pay Sites ""

Is that worth it to keep up there? Nope, is that adding anythign extra to that section? nope. Can I delete that? YES!

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