gotcha.....7 was the birth of the series on the playstation right? Wasnt 1-6 on a handheld,or???
Final Fantasy 1 came out here on regular Nintendo. Final Fantasy 2 and 3 were not released here till much later. Final Fantasy 4 came out here as Final Fantasy 2 on the Super Nintendo. That was my first Final Fantasy game and what got me into the series. It was damn hard to find. Finally found it in a pawn shop one day.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest came out here on the Super Nintendo but was not as good as the other games. They did not release Final Fantasy 5 here till later. Final Fantasy 6 came out as Final Fantasy 3 here on the Super Nintendo. Then Final Fantasy 7 came out on the Playstation and they started to number them like they do in Japan. They came out with Final Fantasy Anthlogy on Playstation rereleashing Final Fantasy 4 and for the first time in the U.S. Final Fantasy 5. Then they did Final Fantasy Chronicles rereleasing Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger which was released here before on the Super Nintendo.
Secret of Mana was released here too on the Super Nintendo. Final Fantasy games did not become popular till Final Fantasy 7 on the Playstation. I remember paying 70 dollars for Final Fantasy 3 which was Final Fantasy 6 in Japan. I bought it when it first came out and was afraid it would become hard to find like Final Fantasy 2 (Final Fantasy 4 Japan) was. I have been following the series for a long time.