filming porn


Retired Mod
1st amendment right to freedom of expression would include all states.
i was talking to a friend and he says it is only legal to film in California, i said what?:confused:

Your friend is an Idiot.Cali is the porn capital of the world but obviously he hasn't watched enough porn.

Dixie Dash

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Technically it is or was only legal to shoot porn in Southern Cali. But whether it is or isn't legal in all the states, the law does not go out searching for those who shoot it unless it is overly obscene, causes a commotion in a community, or contains bestiality and or child porn. Here is a link that will give you a lil more insight. From some reading I was doing, I believe it is legal only in LA. I do not know if that is recent and accurate.
I assume your talking about the business aspect, although even for private things who knows considering how screwed up some areas are when it comes to our rights. For realistic purposes that's a difficult question to answer. Even the best knowledgeable lawyers in a specific subject probably aren't intimately familiar with every single states laws, not to mention other local tendencies that you would need to know. There is just no way you could say with 100% certainty what you could do and not do, even if you have the right to. Even in some places if you should be allowed to I bet you could get drawn into a very lengthy and expensive legal fight that wouldn't be worth it for most people.

Dixie Dash

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
People shoot it everywhere just about. It really depends on the community around you and trying not to cause a big stir. The laws may have changed in some places, like I said I am not sure if all this info is up to date. I'm living in the country right now so keeping a low profile is important where I live. Miami is full of life sex and people so only going after Bangbros there would be stupid. The government has more concerns other than people gettin it on on cam.