Film4's 50 Films to See Before You Die

********** said:
See, I find Christina Aguilera beautiful. Briana Banks, Star E Knight, same deal. I think watching Henry play football is beautiful. Or the Golden Gate Bridge hiding in the mist over the bay.

But when I watched that scene you're referring to... I don't know... beautiful wasn't the first word that popped into my head. :) Each to their own.


The beauty he saw in it was how well the camera angle was done, the music put to the scene, and how Micheal Madson really looked like he was psychotic. To me it was one of the most memorable moments also. How you knew something was coming but you didnt quite know and when it happened it made you feel as if it was your own ear. The beauty lie's in how that scene grabbed the viewer and made him feel that pain.
the lame asses :lame: who voted for some of these movies should be shot :violent: :ak47:


Retired Moderator
I haven't seen most movies in the list and have no interest in them: my taste is completely different, but to each his own.
I've seen about 30 of them and I agree totaly

I'm not to sure about erin brochowic or whatever, and I also agree that godfather (atleast the first) should be on it. And I miss asian movies especially the ones of wong kar wai and chang wok park. Monoke was the only anime and personaly I think Spirited away and ghost in the shell are better movies then that one... And I miss the Danish Dogme films and I would want more French cinema nuveau like breathless and Jules et Jim. Well more French film in general I think(three colours are in thats good)... Monty Pyhtons Holy grail and Life of Brian would also be on my top 50 and so would se7en and maybe even Alien 3 (But just maybe). Wim Wenders "Wings of desire" is a sure thing and so would Sergio Leones Good bad and the ugly plus Once upon a time in the West/America... When I think about it, I don't think I'm too crazy about that list after all... Or maybe they should just make it longer...
Patrick_S said:
Some strange choises there. Mulholland Drive is on the list but not Blue Velvet, Raising Arizona but not Fargo, Fanny and Alexander but not The 7th Seal. Pleasant surprises on the list are Dawn of the Dead and Heavenly Creatures.

Good point and good movies...
the other movies i mentioned were off the top of my head. finally, i sat and thought about what movie would i recommend to someone who wants to watch a great, and intelligent movie. others came to mind, but the one i would strongly recommend to a dying soul (in particular) is "crash". i'm not going to speak on it, just go watch it. if a person can spend hours on the internet looking at porn, they should be able to watch a movie that helps put life in a perspective light.
I've seen 25 of them. I have to agree with C-Ape. Not an impressive list of movies to see before you go....