
Will E Worm

This should be a fun thread. ;)

Bill Maher vs Feminism


Even women are standing up to the hypocrisy of feminism Link

Feminism Destabilization Link
Will, what's your opinion on racism and granting civil right to minorities ?

Don't you think Lincoln and all those liberal yankees were wrong ? Don't you think black people should have been kept in chains ?
Don't you think it was a huge mistake from the congress to vote the XVth amendment, granting black, asins and latinos the same civil rights than the good white people whose are the only real americans ?
I mean, the XVth amendment is the reason why Obama was allowed to be candidate, it's the reason why millions of black and latinos vote (and they mostly vote vor the democrats).
Granting them these rights was the very beginning of the downfall of America... don't you think ?
Women have no place in politics, law enforcement, boards of education, etc. Women need to be in their home taking care of the tasks at hand - caring for their husband, children, housework, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc.
This has nothing to do with civil rights or "minorities".
Yes, it has : Mysoginy and racism are just different kinds of discrimination. Amon white people, many men supremacists are also white supremacists.
We now know you're a men supremacist. I'm pretty sure you're also anh white supremacist...

Women have no place in politics, law enforcement, boards of education, etc. Women need to be in their home taking care of the tasks at hand - caring for their husband, children, housework, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc.
Romney would have made America go back to the 50', Sam is even worst : he's stuck in the XIXth Century...

Will E Worm



Women have no place in politics, law enforcement, boards of education, etc. Women need to be in their home taking care of the tasks at hand - caring for their husband, children, housework, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc.

You're still a virgin, ain'tcha Sambo?
Women have no place in politics, law enforcement, boards of education, etc. Women need to be in their home taking care of the tasks at hand - caring for their husband, children, housework, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc.

The only thing that separates the thinking of people like Sam and Worm, from embracing Sharia law, is the place they were born.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Feminism is no longer needed.
Tell that to the many women who suffer domestic abuse.
Tell that to the women who suffer Sharia law in their own homes.
Women have no place in politics, law enforcement, boards of education, etc. Women need to be in their home taking care of the tasks at hand - caring for their husband, children, housework, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc.
You got a girl boy? somehow I doubt it.
All men should be put to death. Especially the white ones.
Insh-Allah, Sister!
It was never needed.

The return to the traditional family is what America needs.

So... Women's suffrage is unnecessary?
You're still a virgin, ain'tcha Sambo?
Only as far as girls are conerned. Remember that his chaps are arseless.
The only thing that separates the thinking of people like Sam and Worm, from embracing Sharia law, is the place they were born.
:yesyes: :thumbsup:
Sorry guys, this won't happen, History never goes backwards, History and Progress know only one way : Forward
:wtf: Seriously? History is so circular that certain religions have come to believe that time runs in a loop.
And that would be a good thing!

To regress is an act of the frightened and misinformed. You sir are intimidated by the uncertainty of the future and look longingly at the absolute of the past.The past is forever gone for better or worse I suggest you start looking to the future it will be here before you know it.