Female FreeOnes messageboard members???

:D A few like Gordor said, but I think I'm the only single one besides the OCSM's. Some Pink something was here last week haven't seen her back though.

what attracts you to freeones?


Closed Account
what attracts you to freeones?

The same as the men I guess, the porn, the people. The sex and other discussions, the stuff worth discussing that is. Its a friendly community, lots of content, laughs with good friends. Its a form of a "getaway" from the stress of everyday life and daily work. I post in between working.


Closed Account
LadyLove: And you watch gay porn or b/g ?

I have no preference, except I like the "good" stuff Andrew Blake's work my favorite. I don't watch a whole lot of it either. I'm straight if thats the direction the question is pointing. :)
Yes, but their members often control their intelligence.
I've had some people here make assumptions about my gender. :dunno:

and even if I was actually a female member, I certainly wouldn't reveal it. I'm really not interested in answereing PMs that I recieve from people, who just want to know what girls like in porn.

I think that it's great that there are some female members here, but I always try to treat them like any other member. And the best female members are the ones who do not try to make a big deal out of their sexuality or gender IMO. Those who just give their opinion on various subjects, and I think that there are some who are very good at just that here.
I've had some people here make assumptions about my gender. :dunno:

and even if I was actually a female member, I certainly wouldn't reveal it. I'm really not interested in answereing PMs that I recieve from people, who just want to know what girls like in porn.

I think that it's great that there are some female members here, but I always try to treat them like any other member. And the best female members are the ones who do not try to make a big deal out of their sexuality or gender IMO. Those who just give their opinion on various subjects, and I think that there are some who are very good at just that here.

wait a minute. youre a dude?:1orglaugh

joking dude.:1orglaugh

there is a very part time woman who talks here(she has only talked to one person). but since there are no double accounts allowed, she cant be a full timer.:(
And the best female members are the ones who do not try to make a big deal out of their sexuality or gender IMO. Those who just give their opinion on various subjects, and I think that there are some who are very good at just that here.

Agreed :thumbsup:
I post the occasional message. Some times there are some interesting threads and other times you can go a while without finding any worth discussing. The type of thread I usually pass on goes something like:

What's your favourite day of the week?
Which do you prefer out of rain and sun?
Which do you pick the most out of your ear, nose and other parts?
I post the occasional message. Some times there are some interesting threads and other times you can go a while without finding any worth discussing. The type of thread I usually pass on goes something like:

What's your favourite day of the week?
Which do you prefer out of rain and sun?
Which do you pick the most out of your ear, nose and other parts?

You should post more often.
i think it is interesting to have opinion from female members and their view on porn.
I post the occasional message. Some times there are some interesting threads and other times you can go a while without finding any worth discussing. The type of thread I usually pass on goes something like:

What's your favourite day of the week?
Which do you prefer out of rain and sun?
Which do you pick the most out of your ear, nose and other parts?

Damn...that's my next three polls up the spout.:helpme:
Females on Freeones

I'm just curious first of all how many females post regularily here, and why they hang around (assuming they're heterosexual)? :dunno: