Which is your favourite breed of Cats? Mine is the Russian Blue.
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Sep 5, 2010 #1 Which is your favourite breed of Cats? Mine is the Russian Blue. Attachments Velvas%20Feeling%20Hot%20Hot%20Hot.jpg 191 KB · Views: 136
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Sep 5, 2010 #2 Those Felix ones are pretty nice looking although I don't know what breed they are :flame:
belgianass Sep 5, 2010 #3 we call it "streetcats", mine is a long hair european cat that likes to be on freeones as well ...
Mr. Daystar In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs. Sep 5, 2010 #4 The kind you get from the shelter, so it doesn't get put down.
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Sep 5, 2010 #6 I have an orange tabby cat, yep she's a ginger kid.
Skankfunk Sep 5, 2010 #9 A big big fat cat he's name is"Garfield" Just joking, sorry mate i don't have cat but i have a dog. Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
cartman24 Sep 5, 2010 #10 I like Maine Coon cats the most. They are very furry and soft, so they take some maintaining, but they are fun.
I like Maine Coon cats the most. They are very furry and soft, so they take some maintaining, but they are fun.
G GregCentauro Banned Sep 5, 2010 #11 Kitlers http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NXiXqAVKE1M/SFFmXpX8geI/AAAAAAAABcw/FjwP-HD4niU/s400/kitler878.jpg
Vlad The Impaler Power Slave Sep 6, 2010 #18 I had a big fat long haired fluffy Black Cat. His name was Dracula of course. I had a siamese cat too, tiny little thing, she was really cool and loving.
I had a big fat long haired fluffy Black Cat. His name was Dracula of course. I had a siamese cat too, tiny little thing, she was really cool and loving.