Favorite video game genre?

I'm best at first person shooters, almost got serious for some time during high school about playing in leagues. Now I just enjoy whatever game is interesting, I really like zombie shooters of any sort. Doom 3 and the lot, I want to try the Silent Hill Series.
RPG and race
I'm a huge fighting game fan
Specifically Tekken and Virtua Fighter
I Kinda like soul calibur and I am a big fan of Capcom Vs. SNK (as well as the King of Fighters games) - mainly, the technical fighters
Also love RPGs - Infinity engine games, and Nethack :-D
and finally, I like FPSes, though my computer's WAY to crappy to run any of them, so I'm out of touch
Racing, fighting, and shooters for me.
Survival Horrors, Action RPG's, Racers, Fighters, and Superhero games. By that I mean stuff like Ultimate Spider-man and Hulk Ultimate Destruction.