Favorite Type of Female Athlete

Curling - that frenzied rubbing motion gets my attention.

2nd place - volleyball


Curling - that frenzied rubbing motion gets my attention.

2nd place - volleyball

Haha, curling women screaming *Harder! :Harder!*, *Hurry... hurry hard!!!* What's not to love about that! I will pick tennis personally having been such an avid fan for the better part of my lifetime.
Has nothing to do with the sport for me, it's about the girl.
For example in MMA, where you expect girls to be quite muscular (which I'm not attracted by), you have Paige VanZant who looks nothing like what you would think of a fighter. She has an amazing body.


Can/Should wrestling babes be considered as athletes. To me they are entertainers, just like singers, actresses, etc.

(now returning to my ignore list ;))
and for answering that dumb question YES they are athlete i'm tired of all the bullshit than people use about wrestler
is pro wrestling fake yes, but is also risking and injury happen very often.
and of course wrestler are athlete! just look at their bodies goddamn it! :facepalm:
and for answering that dumb question YES they are athlete i'm tired of all the bullshit than people use about wrestler
is pro wrestling fake yes, but is also risking and injury happen very often.
and of course wrestler are athlete! :facepalm:
I didn't intend to diminish these girls (and guys), being an entertainer is not something to be ashamed, it does not makes you lesser than sport men/women, it is just different.
Wrestling is fake, it is scripted. It does not makes it lesser than soccer, rugby, football, tennis, swimming or track & fields. Just different. More like ballet dancers or circus artists. And, once again, I don't say so to diminish wreslers : ballet dancers and circus artists have all my respect for they are doing things I would be completely incapable of and it requires a incredibly high degree of commitment, hours and hours of practice, etc. Just like wreslers. But what they do isn't sports.
Wresling isn't fake. Pro wrestling is.

Why is not entirely considered as a sport? Because sport is not meant to be scripted. This is a real competition.
This does not mean pro wrestler aren't taking risks or whatever.
yeah you right they are not athlete, they got those bodies by stayin' sit on a couch all day long...
Did I say so ? I didn't. I said I consider them entertainers, artists.
I compared them to ballet dancers. Ballet dancers do not stay sit on couch all day long. They have to endure an extremely demanding training and an almost spartan lifestyle.
Pornstars are my favorite type of athletes. All those sex workout movements and positions in front of camera ain't just an act. All that training it takes to keep up a body that makes all the men drool in lust is a sport of its whole own kind...

Thought too much muscles are no good for ladies, but anything that gives a nice plump round booty of tight meat is an instant winner. I've heard some rumors that squats work wonders and give miraculous results in no time, over night...
Pornstars are my favorite type of athletes. All those sex workout movements and positions in front of camera ain't just an act. All that training it takes to keep up a body that makes all the men drool in lust is a sport of its whole own kind...

In France, we sometimes call sex "bedroom sport" ("sport en chambre").