Men are easily replaced by toys....Women? not so much.
I bought one fake pussy once and it was basically a rubber tube with bumps on the inside and it vibrated. Having to stuff it between pillows so you could actually have something to fuck was pretty ridiculous and the shame associated with cleaning it after just made the whole thing not worth it.
Although not as much shame as this guy (funny)
I must admit i've always wanted to try one of those "Real Dolls" ( They look so real it's almost disturbing....but they're $5,000 :eek:
I saw a documentary on google video about guys who have made Real Dolls their girlfriends. They dress them up, hang out with them, put on makeup, etc....Needless to say these guys are pretty disturbed. But in a fucked up way, it's sort of a testimonial as to how "real" these dolls are.
There's even a service online (I forget where) that rents these dolls out at an hourly or daily rate. Incredibly creepy. No matter how well they clean these things are (what a job) you're fucking the same latex doll that every weirdo in your area has run a train on. And I forget the price but it wasn't cheap....along the same lines as a cheap hooker.