Favorite Toy/Toys when you were a kid?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Apart from Legos and miniature Indy Cars, I didn't really play with that many toys. I had two younger brothers, and we played outside most of the time. Our favorite toys were a baseball glove and a bat and ball.
Big Wheel, Star Wars action figures (and the X wing fighter), the original Atari game system, and legos were cool too.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures
Cabbage patch kids
Erecter set
Hot wheels toys
Transformers toys
DC Comics Super Powers
Marvel Comics Secret Wars
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
G.I. Joe
School Principals Peter North Signature Dildo
Ghost Busters


Closed Account
1. Early 70's Tonka Mighty Loader (Bulldozer) Made of steel and had a stamp that is was made by the United Autoworkers Union. I have a cousin that is 5 that is playing with it. The paint has faded and the plastic windshield is gone, but everything else (rubber water tanks & smokestack) are there and working.
1a. SSP Green '75 Vette. I still have it along with the T stick. NO ONE is getting that. :D
1b. The rarest toy I had was a Hot Wheels 5 car train set that was battery operated (The Juicer).
Power Rangers, Megaman and his dog, WWE (WWF actually) and WcW figurines and Some Marvel toys, Spiderman, The Hulk, Magneto, all that jazz.... But my favorite was probably my Tekno robotic dog which I got for Christmas when I was like 9 or 10.


Red Line series Hot Wheels, slot cars, Wrist Rocket sling shot, baseball, bat & glove, basketball, football, ping pong table & set, Tonka dump truck, loader, & dozer, pump up water pressure rockets, Estes Rockets (with my bro's supervision), bat kites - These things were so cool! We used to affix those old style double edged Gillette razor blades (like this) onto the wing tips of these kites with a dab of hot melt glue... then we'd take to the air and ''dog fight'' one another side by side in the park or school field. If your kite happened to get sheared any length greater than, say, 2'', you were going down in a hurry! :1orglaugh
After getting nailed one too many times, the kites wouldn't fly very well due to imbalance issues related to having too much electrical tape applied to them, at that point we'd have to beg mum and/or dad for some chores in order to earn the money needed to be able to buy another kite so that we could dogfight all over again!

I miss those days.:crying:

Continuing on...Cox gas powered airplanes and dune buggy, jacks, dice, marbles, of course legos... anything that would stimulate the imagination gland. :1orglaugh


LEGO'S! Growing up, I had asthma, and Alabama summers didn't agree with me. I had a HUGE box of lego's and I would sit in my room for hours and build all kinds of junk!

Like all kids, I eventually put them away, but last year, I was digging thru the attic and found them. I gave them as a Christmas present to my step-nephew and the expression on his face was priceless.


BIG Re-gifter


For the EMPEROR!!
My matchbox cars and train sets. Plus my Star Wars toys.