I used to think 1800 was pretty good, better than Jose "the poisoner" Cuervo regular over-sugared crap Tequila.
Once you realize that Dom Julio, Siete Leguas, Patron...the finer Tequilas... are a world away from any Cuervo, you can take Tequila shots to a higher level!
As in no hangover in the morning, the ability to drink more and not get
too shitfaced, and not to mention the great smooth taste of aged good Tequila...!
I have had many encounters with Tequila, and have quality Tequila to thank for me being alive to talk about it!
Dom Julio is my favorite, I did a bit of sampling in Puerto Villarte; but even there (in the local Walmart) it was $60 a bottle.
There is a brewery in Mexico that sells all of what they produce only to the public, and a family member has gone twice. They make one serious Tequila, Amaretto flavor, that is amazing; I was fortunate to have had a few glasses of some.:bowdown: