Favorite swear?


I refuse to acknowledge the word "Cunt" as a curse word. It's too pretty a noun.
Kiss my ass you fucking whore
Also in polite company - and god bless Les Dawson via Cosmo Smallpiece

"Knickers, Knackers, Knockers!" Or as my sophisticated American offspring reply, "Underwear, Nuts and Boobs!"


Closed Account
Suck my balls!!! or Holy shi-ite!!! Although I don't use them often. Oh yeah, that's batshit insane is good sometimes too... kinda rolls off the tongue. :)


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Fuck and all its variations.
Uncle Fucker
and since I'm an artist I use an old religious curse but replaced the holy figure with an artist.
Fuck the stone cold corpse of Jackson Pollock
That's booty...