Hate to argue with an attractive woman, but can't believe you think the current season of SP is lame... well, all of it, anyway.
The 1st episode was priceless... the 'sex addiction' rap that we're hearing about now... Butters, mumbling to himself, 'If I could just see it again!' PRICELESS... Matt & Trey seem to tap into a little bit of the reality we try to hide from each other & bring it out... they'll offend anyone & everyone, & i have to admire that.
& considering basic human drives include breathing, eating, sleep, & sex, the very concept of 'sexual addiction' is a ruse to let the Tigers & Jesses of the world not take responsibility for their actions.
Unfortunately for schmos like me, the same words are used by wives & girlfriends to justify belittling or leaving the guys strugglling to be true to people who are frankly less interested in sex... but now we've gotten from why I thought the 1st show of the season was killer to drama I'm living & shouldn't be sharing... porn (& this board) should be about pleasure & positive things.
Best to you, Bree