Favorite Slang Term For Breasts?

So many to choose from. What is your favorite slang term for breasts? If you don't have a "favorite," per se, what are some unique terms that you've heard over the years?

Here is a list of 138 Slang Words For Breasts.My favorite, hands down, has to be "honkers." Just feels right.

It’s fascinating how the human mind is capable of coming up with a myriad of names for things that can otherwise be straightforwardly called by its real name. Like breasts, for instance. How difficult is it to say “breasts” when talking about the human mammary glands? But then again, that would be extremely boring, wouldn’t it? “Tits” or “boobs” sound a lot more fun. Even more fun are the dozens of slang words for breasts I’ve dug from the ‘net, which run the gamut from celebrity names to Disney characters (!). Many of them actually don’t make sense to me, and I don’t expect them to make any sense to you either. But that’s where the beauty of the phenomenon we call slang lies. It doesn’t have to make sense to be accepted and widely used.

Some of the highlights from the above list include:
-Danny DeVitos

Knockers, puppies, cushions, melons, bubbles, headlights .....