Favorite Sega Genesis/Megadrive game?

Mine is Sonic 2. What about you?
Heh, I used to know someone who said that the Megadrive would always be the best / most powerful gaming console ever created.

Mine was some Desert Storm type game, can't recall the name, it was in the days before Halo.
Sensible Soccer.

I've got the 96 Euro Championship version for PC..I still love to play it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Altered Beast
streets of rage is a good pick. but sonic did put out some darn good game. they should redo streets of rage for xbox or something.
streets of rage is a good pick. but sonic did put out some darn good game. they should redo streets of rage for xbox or something.

I think they're releasing it on Xbox Live Arcade with online play, so that should be cool. The Streets of Rage series was one of my favorites to play, but Sonic 2 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles tops it. Those were all some classics!
streets of rage 2 was just released on xbl arcade today.
i remember literally spending a whole winter and spring playing nhlpa 93 and nothing else. i loved that game.