Favorite Porn Fetish and Why

What is your favorite porn fetish and why?

Mine is anal with gaping. Something about watching these porn girls get reamed and then showing how loose their ass is always gets me off. I watch porn b/c i like to see women get pounded and the gape shows just how much of a pounding they have taken.


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My favourite fetish is bondage as I get massively turned on by seeing a woman tied down spreadeagled and sucking her lover or being fucked. But even more I love amateur porn - something again massively stimulating about amateur porn movies where rather than women screwing for money, the woman is being fucked by her own lover or partner. Ultimate fetish would be amateur movies of brides being tied down by their new husbands and being fucked on their wedding nights. Hard to find, though...!


knows petras secret: she farted.
bukkakes, gangbangs, and hot goth chicks.

why? ask a psychiatrist. im sure im alllllll screwed up.