Wow, just thinking back at some of the games I had, it's so hard to pick just a favorite. As bad as some of the games where, I loved every single one of them.
I mean, you can't go wrong with the original Super Mario Bros. that came with the unit! Whoa! What do you mean the princess is in ANOTHER castle?!? And remember tugging your controller up in the air when you needed Mario to jump really high?
And remember the original Legend Of Zelda game? The case was gold! You got a shield, then a bigger shield! And three different swords to use? Finding ALL of the Tri-Force pieces? I need more bombs!
Then there was the Mega Man games with all the crazy bosses and you get different weapons and stuff!
So many great memories and so many great games that paved the way to what gaming is today. Heck, gamers today wouldn't know how to play half the games from the original NES. I can hear them say "What do you mean I only get three lives and then I have to start over at the beginning???"
I think my all time favorite has got to be Super Mario Bros. 3. That game was just so well put together with the imagining and the levels. Flying though the air with the Raccoon tail, swimming super fast after you got the frog suit, even finally getting revenge on the Hammer Brothers by picking up one of their suits. I enjoyed hopping on the airships and taking down Bowser's kids! Good times