I voted for Evil Dead. I would have voted for Romero but Land & Diary of the Dead are both shite.
Things like Friday 13th, Halloween etc have good original movies but there was no need to make ANY sequels, they add nothing apart from a nasty misogynist tone. Of course horror movies are supposed to be nasty but when you don’t give a damn about any of the characters coz they are so poorly written & are nothing more than fodder for the bad guy who has almost become the hero in some twisted way, its hard to be excited by the death scenes. For the most part gore is far more effective when you either care about the character or hate the character who is having the violence done to them.
A good example is Janet Leigh's character,Marion Crane, in Psycho. YOu follow her story for about 40mins & then...she takes THAT shower. Probaly one of the most shocking death scenes ever.
Things like Friday 13th, Halloween etc have good original movies but there was no need to make ANY sequels, they add nothing apart from a nasty misogynist tone. Of course horror movies are supposed to be nasty but when you don’t give a damn about any of the characters coz they are so poorly written & are nothing more than fodder for the bad guy who has almost become the hero in some twisted way, its hard to be excited by the death scenes. For the most part gore is far more effective when you either care about the character or hate the character who is having the violence done to them.
A good example is Janet Leigh's character,Marion Crane, in Psycho. YOu follow her story for about 40mins & then...she takes THAT shower. Probaly one of the most shocking death scenes ever.