Favorite Fast Food restaurant?


I'm not really allowed to eat fast food, but when I was in California I ate at in and out for the first time and it was amazing.

There wierd sauce for the fries though omg. If I ever allow myself to eat more fast food i'd live there.
Well known Fastfood chain (international): Burger King

French canadian fastfood chain (local): La Belle Province
Does Subway count, and there is this restaurant at waterlooplein in Amsterdam called "Bagels & Beans" which has some nice sandwiches as well. There was another one there across the town hall but i can't remember the name.
My choice have to be White Castle...cannot get enough of those Slider burgers (as greasy as they might seem to some), and Wendy's a close second.

Chipotle is my fav fast food joint. InNOut might be the best burger chain, but there's a local drivethru burger joint where I live now that puts InNOut to shame.


Lord Dipstick
Theres a place here in Jersey called Cluck-U-Chicken that is off the chain!!