Kim Jong Il is fucking ugly.
Vlad III the Impaler :yinyang:
Hilter no doubt...everyone knows who he is
The director of Love Story? :dunno:
Ivan the Terrible ftw
It was an interesting social experiment, wasn't it? Everyone is equal in the eyes on Ankgar, that is unless you where educated, lived in urban areas, spoke a different language besides Khmer, or even wore glasses. A truly progessive society. I do have one question: Why wasn't Pol Pot strung up and gutted? I mean it's the least that could have been done to him for his fine contribution to the world.mrtrebus ! :bowdown:
I agree about pot, who would have ever thought that this shy and most reserved man could have murdered as many of his own people as he did ? and all it took was a trip to Fra. to study commyism.
Hilter no doubt...everyone knows who he is
The director of Love Story? :dunno:
No the director of Love Story is far more of a despicable monster than Hitler could ever dream of being.
No. Hitler was on the creative team originally responsible for "Friends."
Did you know that a dictator is what you get when you cross a penis with a potato?
Thankyou, thankyouverymuch.
that was my favorite joke along with "What do you get when you cross Woody Allen with Woody Woodpecker? Woody the Pecker." Of course, that was when I was in the fifth grade.
Rest grayin'.
Vlad III the Impaler :yinyang: