Have you ever heard of the term " to the best of my knowledge"? It has legal bearing and it applies to a myriad of issues including the Iraq war because you see as much as you want to claim that GWB willingly sent people into that war to die he based it upon intelligence that was faulty. Congress considered the findings as well and their was no arm twisting by the Bush administration just laying out of the information as it was presented. Authorization that pantsuit herself voted for.. All you can do for the time I have seen you post on this board is claim that Bush intentionally lied to go to war in Iraq but you can't offer one scintilla of proof that was the case.
Oh, but that doesn't apply to Benghazi, right? How many investigations into the faulty intelligence leading up to the Iraq war have there been? Don't preach about the benevolence of Bush while trying to paint Hillary as some sort of deliberate Benghazi conspirator. And please, don't start with the, "all you do" shit again, we've covered this ground and every time you start making blanket assertions about whoever you happen to be in disagreement with at any given time it always makes you look inept and desperate, and you in fact can't seem to help resorting to that tactic.
The only reason that Dems opposed part D was because Bush was embracing an issue that Dems thought they owned but wanted it to be far more comprehensive and socialized . you commenting on MPD as a burden when you would have wholeheartedly embraced the Democrat plan is the height of petty political partisanship and hypocrisy.
And you would know petty political partisanship when you see it because unfortunately that's what you've been reduced to thanks to the ever growing disconnect between the GOP and the American electorate. As for Social Security, I would scrap the whole system, Obamacare included, and make it "far more comprehensive and socialized", because that would be the right way to solve the myriad of issues currently plaguing the system, eliminate the caps, and make it illegal to use SS funds for anything that isn't SS/Medicaid/Obamacare related, make a true Universal Single Payer system for life, vision and dental included, because it's the right fucking thing to do.
The Afghan war was absolutely necessary and the Iraq war was not but Obama has managed to damn near double the debt that Bush left. Hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure that there will be plenty to discover after this clown leaves office, so much in fact that even if the next president is Hillary she will have to throw him under the bus to cover her ass and not be blamed for his fuckups. That will be one of the beautiful things to watch if she does win. Yeah things were pretty damn good prior to 2008. The unemployment rate was low, taxes were lower and we actually had confidence that we had a leader in the White House . The economic crisis was not Bush's fault and can be laid at the feet of democrat policies from many years prior.
Nothing but circular lawyer-talk. No, things weren't "pretty damn good prior to 2008", unless you think the Great Recession was awesome. You're not wealthy enough to have benefited from the fucking the rest of America had to endure.