What a rotten reply.

Sorry sometimes these threads get to me and
its not just your post that did. Women bashing left and right. Butter faces, fat chicks, even attacking wifey. My God if you guys think she is ugly, I must howl at the moon.
If it doesn't suit someone I see no disgrace in saying "Sorry I prefer thinner women ...She doesn't do much for me, not my cup of tea.." any number of replies, yet everyone attacks. Going for the jugular.
I would love to see some of the wives, gf's and callouses that belong to some of the more critical ones in these threads. Bet that would be a hoot.
With some of the attitudes around here , I think you should all be grateful for whatever you get. So most of you please take a moment and :bowdown: to your fist.
Of course everyone is entitled to there opinion, I just think sometimes its worded rather harshly, nastily and a lot of overkill steps in.
Sorry, but I had to say something. I tried not to each time this thread came to the top again. I lost my battle.