Jesus tittyfucking Christ, calm down lad! I'm sure anyone with a link to the whole sordid scene will be in here to post it as soon as they have it. No need to ask every three hours. Anyone would think you only signed up for a chance at seeing this rat doing her business.

(checks post history) Oh.
I'm sorry about that
According to that clip they're going to do anal, she says it on 2:50 rather bluntly "Get my lube because we're going to do anal" and then at 5:11 her asshole looks like it's even prolapsing a bit (or she has pretty bad hemorrhoids)

yes she does it



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Approved Content Owner
Saw the whole thing. You can find it free online now. Farrah does oral, vaginal, anal, ass-to-mouth, ass-to-pussy, and takes a facial cumshot. All without a condom. Totally the best celebrity sex tape ever. Hope she does more. :thumbsup:
I love the off cam whispering about getting shit on her hand. Hahaha. And, "Why can I fit 8 fingers but not my fist". The dialogue in this is classic.