Little Red Wagon Repairman
I haven't covered this in this thread. I became a wrestling fan watching the last few years of Georgia Championship Wrestling then later on as World Championship Wrestling. I would get so excited to watch on Saturdays. There was no internet and the only way to smarten up as a fan were through magazines but the magazines pretty much protected kayfabe. My dad would take me to magazine stands so I could check out the wrestling mags. I especially was following the goings on with Kevin Sullivan and the Army Of Darkness in Florida. There was this great TV show called Pro Wrestling This Week and it featured Gordon Solie and Joe Pedicino. Such a great show that treated wrestling like a sport and presented clips and interviews from all the territories. Bill Watts' UWF was on either before or after PWTW. Mid-South Wrestling under any name is great.
Holy crap, I just realized how much I rambled on. I'm super high right now. Just thinking of my early days as a young, bright-eyed, gullible wrestling fan along with how much fun and excitement there was.
I remember something now. If you send a forensic team to analyze my post it shows my wheelhouse of interest. Let me know if there is anything from the 1980's territorial days you'd like me to post or any other matches or feuds you'd like to discuss. Man, I'm high!
Holy crap, I just realized how much I rambled on. I'm super high right now. Just thinking of my early days as a young, bright-eyed, gullible wrestling fan along with how much fun and excitement there was.
I remember something now. If you send a forensic team to analyze my post it shows my wheelhouse of interest. Let me know if there is anything from the 1980's territorial days you'd like me to post or any other matches or feuds you'd like to discuss. Man, I'm high!