Fake News? Fake Fake News? Fake Fake Fake News?

Tucker Carlson is smart, I don't particularly like him or his politics, but I can stand him. Michael Smerconish is among my favorite pundits and whose politics most closely resemble my own.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away......


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
The only fish being thrown in any barrel are being thrown by the people who believe it was not a hoax.
Again I'll say- We almost all agree we have a GOV and a media who together lie to us all the time.
They don't report news, they push propaganda.

But yet some people believe there is this line that they won't cross.
Thats how liars usually get away with lying because their victims can't believe that someone could be so deceptive.
They base that belief on their own moral code assuming everybody has a similar one.
They don't. In fact many people have none at all.

I had a family member who is a cop. Hadnt seen him in 10 years.
He tried to have me incarcerated for years out of revenge for our mother marrying my father before i was even born, plus a little money to help keep his wife from divorcing him, which she did anyway.
He ruined my life 100% and almost succeeded until someone actually looked at the case.
The evidence. And the evidence showed that he stole money and property from my father by deception. He set me up to go down because i was the only person who could stop him. And i did, legally.

But until a grand jury actually looked at the case i was guilty in the eyes of the police and the prison and i was put into a concrete box for almost 2 months until it went to a grand jury. Instant dismissal.
By then psycho cop had sold my parents assetts for chump change and my father died from the stress, or they just od'ed him after his insurance ran out.
This ruined my sons life also and caused him a ton of misery also.
And even then scumbag still had cop buddies from around his county charge me with contempt of court in their municipalities.
Places i had no contact with at all.
Took me about a year and 15 different court appearances to get those all thrown out.
And even then these local yokel prosecuters are tryimh to plea bargain me even though I had no business in their countys ever. And it's ultimitaley left to some local municipal judge who really doesnt give a fuck and can do basically whatever they want.

My point. You can say anything. People can believe anything especially when it comes from an "authority figure".
But when one takes the time to look at it just a tad below the surface it doesn't take much to see it's bogus.

Sandy Hook is the same. I've said it before. Someone show me one thing proving Sandy Hook was real.
Just one thing.

People don't want to acknowledge it because then they would have to deal with it.


Hiliary 2020
People don't want to acknowledge it because then they would have to deal with it.

Oh jeez I wish I had't said all that.
That was the worst year of my life.
Let's just drop it (9/11 was an inside job) because I have no more energy to debate it.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Oh jeez I wish I had't said all that.
That was the worst year of my life.
Let's just drop it (9/11 was an inside job) because I have no more energy to debate it.

I was only referring to the last sentence in your post, I should have bold it.


Hiliary 2020
I was only referring to the last sentence in your post, I should have bold it.

I know bct. All good.
I actually made an error in that post. I was in jail for 20 days (not 2 months) before I made bail. ( They wouldn't let me make a phone call for the 1st 8 days so that was a setback).
The charges were dismissed 2 months later when it went to a grand jury. Reason- No evidence a crime was committed. I mean ZERO evidence.

Now normally POLICE would take that into consideration before they request an arrest warrant with excessive bail then chuck a person in a cold concrete box indefinitely without even allowing them a phone call. Maybe at least a little investigation could be done. Nah, not when they are doing a favor for another cop buddy.

Anyway how bout all that Fake News out there?
I chose the title of this thread aptly, We are surrounded today, inundated with Fake News within Fake News Within Fake News.
Trying to figure out what is real is like trying to escape from a real house of mirrors (if you've never experienced one trust me it ain't easy).
Never thought I'd see the day when The Star is one of the most trustworthy news sources.


I didn't believe it at 1st but Boy Was I Wrong!!




Like I said before America and other "democracies" are now Corporate Oligarchies.
Monopolies are the enemies of democracy and freedom, and the greedy republicans and the sheeple who vote for them are paving the way to a Corporate Totalitarian world.
Watch the videos soon before republican aholes flags them to try and hide the truth.
If the videos do get deleted, search for the title.

Sinclair's Soldiers in Trump's War on Media

How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news

Corporate Consolidation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Luxman said:
I wonder where would TYT be on this chart.
I'd put them a little ot the left of MSNBC : Hyper-Partisan Liberal ; Opinion, Fair Persuasion

Like I said before America and other "democracies" are now Corporate Oligarchies.
Monopolies are the enemies of democracy and freedom, and the greedy republicans and the sheeple who vote for them are paving the way to a Corporate Totalitarian world.
Watch the videos soon before republican aholes flags them to try and hide the truth.
If the videos do get deleted, search for the title.

Sinclair's Soldiers in Trump's War on Media

How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news

Corporate Consolidation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

News is inherently biased.

The news desk will determine what is news for publication. This is a human process and even if the news is accurately reported, the selection process can be very biased.

The editorial desk will rarely be balanced. Most media edit letters to the editor as well.

I see too much editorial analysis mixed in with the reporting of news, mostly on cnn, msnbc, and fox. It has become the norm and changes what journalism is.

Anecdotally, I was watching cnn one morning with my wife. Cnn reported on something that seemed bias. The used USAToday as their source. The only article on the topic I could find that was similar on USAToday’s site used cnn as a source. I’m not 100% my investigation was correct, but it would not surprise me.

