Fake News? Fake Fake News? Fake Fake Fake News?


Hiliary 2020
Well I don't know!
As far a melon scratchers go this one's a Honeydew.
You really need to watch this peice of work.

What was FOX trying to do here?
Exposing Fake News that they created? Exposing Fake News that other news stations fell for?
Making anyone out who calls the MSM Fake look Fake? Make it look like paid protesters don't really exist?
It's like a House of Mirrors this one. I don't know what the heck is going on.
But it was fun to watch. (Notice the Hollywood sign in the back).
May have to see twice to appreciate.
lol Tucker Carlson is the shit. Megyn who?

"you haven't received hate mail because you don't exist."

"give my regards to Peyton Manning and Mrs. Tullipso."


Hiliary 2020
It was quite an elegant piece. That guy seems to have been a Super Troll.
But he never completely gave in or fessed up. He just kept rolling with it the whole time.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Meester, I'm not going to even quote your words. Tucker had it solved early when the dude wouldn't pull out his ID. If you couldn't spot this as entertainment you are at least half as clueless as you accuse us of being. Take up a hobby. Maybe this time away from your computer will throw the government and the MSN off from monitoring your thoughts. This guy will help you.



Hiliary 2020
bob I know it was fake.
90% chance both Carlson and the guy were in on it all along.
50+% chance Fox set the whole thing up from the start. The website and all, just for this piece of "news"
There is a small chance that Carlson actually did out the guy for realsies. If he did the guy sure rolled with it beautifully.
"We changed our minds about a half hour ago. We're now protesting the protesters".....Awesome.
You think Carls son actually outed him? I think you'd be naive to believe that.
Remember that phrase by William Shakey, "All the world's a stage and we are merely douchebags".

I was just trying to figure out what was Fox's motive , what were they selling with this instant classic.
Either way thanks for watching it. Pretty funny really.

And Bob Ross? A real American Hero imo.


Hiliary 2020
I could show you evidence it was fake for about 3 days straight.
Can you show me one thing that shows it was real?
100% Fake. Have you done any research on it?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Please please. Someone find that Sandy Hook thread. Meester has some fish to throw into that barrel.


Hiliary 2020
The only fish being thrown in any barrel are being thrown by the people who believe it was not a hoax.
Again I'll say- We almost all agree we have a GOV and a media who together lie to us all the time.
They don't report news, they push propaganda.

But yet some people believe there is this line that they won't cross.
Thats how liars usually get away with lying because their victims can't believe that someone could be so deceptive.
They base that belief on their own moral code assuming everybody has a similar one.
They don't. In fact many people have none at all.

I had a family member who is a cop. Hadnt seen him in 10 years.
He tried to have me incarcerated for years out of revenge for our mother marrying my father before i was even born, plus a little money to help keep his wife from divorcing him, which she did anyway.
He ruined my life 100% and almost succeeded until someone actually looked at the case.
The evidence. And the evidence showed that he stole money and property from my father by deception. He set me up to go down because i was the only person who could stop him. And i did, legally.

But until a grand jury actually looked at the case i was guilty in the eyes of the police and the prison and i was put into a concrete box for almost 2 months until it went to a grand jury. Instant dismissal.
By then psycho cop had sold my parents assetts for chump change and my father died from the stress, or they just od'ed him after his insurance ran out.
This ruined my sons life also and caused him a ton of misery also.
And even then scumbag still had cop buddies from around his county charge me with contempt of court in their municipalities.
Places i had no contact with at all.
Took me about a year and 15 different court appearances to get those all thrown out.
And even then these local yokel prosecuters are tryimh to plea bargain me even though I had no business in their countys ever. And it's ultimitaley left to some local municipal judge who really doesnt give a fuck and can do basically whatever they want.

My point. You can say anything. People can believe anything especially when it comes from an "authority figure".
But when one takes the time to look at it just a tad below the surface it doesn't take much to see it's bogus.

Sandy Hook is the same. I've said it before. Someone show me one thing proving Sandy Hook was real.
Just one thing.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
That explains everything. Life dealt you a shitty hand and your mind snapped. Not only is the world against you but the world is against all of us. Everything has a hidden agenda.

So you want me to prove Sandy hook happened? What would satisfy you and change your mind on this? There is plenty of evidence out there. All you have are conspiracy theories that have all been debunked.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
At some point, you can convince yourself it's fake even when the bullets hit your own body.

And at some point, we will leave discussions behind, because even joking with you or about bullshit stories gets kind of old.


Hiliary 2020
That explains everything. Life dealt you a shitty hand and your mind snapped. Not only is the world against you but the world is against all of us. Everything has a hidden agenda.

So you want me to prove Sandy hook happened? What would satisfy you and change your mind on this? There is plenty of evidence out there. All you have are conspiracy theories that have all been debunked.

No life in general didn't deal me a bad hand. Probably above average. Grew up in a big house on the beach.
But a few years ago I did the right thing by taking care of my dying father and became the target of a crazy person out for revenge because mommy loved me more than him.
But I got through it for me and my son. I had no choice, either that or lay down and die.
But for about a year and a half I was in literal hell.

My point was that not everthing is as it seems.
The GOV and the MSM who perpatrate these frauds rely on people simply taking their word for it.
It only takes a little research to see they are fake.

Just in a nutshell.
Adam Lanza a person who there is no record ever existed went to a random scholl and shot 26 people in 5 minutes then killed himself.
Not one surviver. Killed every one. What are the odds of that? Unlike Pulse where people were shot multiple times with the same weapon but were up and about doing multiple TV interveiws the next day without a hint of pain.

No paramedics were allowed to enter the building to save these kids. No medi vac helicopters present.
That place would have been flooded with paramedics and ambulances rushing these kids to a hospital.
Not 11 minutes later "theyre all dead".
No evidence at all of any kind of evacuation of supposedly 500+ children and staff.
3 pictures exist showing a line of about 12-15 children being walked out. In each photo the kids are in different spots in line.
Where are the other 485 kids?

Parents , in fact pretty much all of them smiling immediately after there child was shot dead.
Thats really all you need to see.

No record of any of these 20 dead children. No birth records, no death records. No crime scene photos. Not one drop of blood.

Parents creating gofundmepages the very same day their child was brutally murdered.
Pages and charities that have to date taken in tens of millions of dollars.
The GOV giving these parents millions of dollars worth of grants.
Giving the Police Dept upwards of 10 million dollars.
Many parents, all in their mid 40's with 5 year old kids turn out to be actors.
Many become anti gun lobbyist overnight and get legislation past creating more gun laws.
All of them are very very rich now. And their pages are still up and running to fraud honest but gullible people out of their money.

Eric Holder meeting with the Governer of Connecticut 2 weeks earlier.

I could go on. You want to believe something without any proof go head.
In fact massive proof that it was fake. Be stupid, be naive, be gullible.
But its because of people like that that thse things keep happening almost daily.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I was watching live coverage of this event. Shots from the air of the area and on the ground at the firehouse showed classes filing through the path to the firehouse. So many parents cars were clogging up the road to the school that many had to park and walk a distance to the firehouse. Live interviews from that path with parents and children leaving the area.

Helicopters are not used in that situation because they are more dangerous transport for the patient. Also, ambulances were quicker to the scene and could transport point A to point B much faster than a helicopter. Helicopters would also hamper the police and triage efforts because they are too noisy for them to communicate.

In the middle of June 2013 the death records were released through freedom of information. All but 2 of the victims were hit multiple times. How hard is it for anyone, much less a sicko with practice of the use of automatic weapons, to walk through a building and target kids for death at age 6 and 7?

No paramedics were allowed to enter the building to save these kids? You don't allow anybody to enter a crime scene that is under lockdown with the suspicion that other shooters are in the area.

Dude, believe or not I really like you is many ways. I respect your intelligence and admire your articulation. You are not afraid of confrontation and stand for what you believe in a not so nasty way. I would only wish that you could look at all of these conspiracy theories and question them.
Tucker has always been underrated. Don't miss Megyn Kelly at all. In fact, Tucker's show is more entertaining because there is an element of surprise in his interviews.

Tucker told a story about when he was at CNN he made a joke about Trump's hair on the air. He said when he got to his office there was a voice mail from Trump saying.."you may have better hair than me, but I get more pussy than you"..He said he never responded because it was probably true.

If he had ditched the bowtie 5 years earlier he'd have O'Reilly's job by now.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Tucker Carlson is smart, I don't particularly like him or his politics, but I can stand him. Michael Smerconish is among my favorite pundits and whose politics most closely resemble my own.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah to me he's likable.
But it's still FOX news unfortunately.
Fox does serve a purpose as "the other side" pretty well and to me is more trustable than the others.
But they still play the game, the game of the deception of the masses.

To me the biggest lie is "terrorism". Pretty much everything "news worthy" is related to this at some level.
If the lamestream media would just tell the people the truth about who exactly funds all these terror groups the US and the world is supposedly spending trillions on fighting and "protecting us from" the world would be such a better place.
But it's a business with huge profits for a small amount of people at the expense of everybody else. The gullible public.
And the media are some of the ones profiting so they perpetuate the lie daily.

I'm hoping Trump puts a stop to it. And that is the most dangerous thing for him to do as far as him getting snuffed.
That and hit the Federal Reserve. Then again war profiteering and the FED are part of the same group.
All the money spent on endless wars and security is borrowed from the FED.
So although I hope it comes to an end I doubt it will very much. The people behind it, profiting off of it are just too powerful.

