That explains everything. Life dealt you a shitty hand and your mind snapped. Not only is the world against you but the world is against all of us. Everything has a hidden agenda.
So you want me to prove Sandy hook happened? What would satisfy you and change your mind on this? There is plenty of evidence out there. All you have are conspiracy theories that have all been debunked.
No life in general didn't deal me a bad hand. Probably above average. Grew up in a big house on the beach.
But a few years ago I did the right thing by taking care of my dying father and became the target of a crazy person out for revenge because mommy loved me more than him.
But I got through it for me and my son. I had no choice, either that or lay down and die.
But for about a year and a half I was in literal hell.
My point was that not everthing is as it seems.
The GOV and the MSM who perpatrate these frauds rely on people simply taking their word for it.
It only takes a little research to see they are fake.
Just in a nutshell.
Adam Lanza a person who there is no record ever existed went to a random scholl and shot 26 people in 5 minutes then killed himself.
Not one surviver. Killed every one. What are the odds of that? Unlike Pulse where people were shot multiple times with the same weapon but were up and about doing multiple TV interveiws the next day without a hint of pain.
No paramedics were allowed to enter the building to save these kids. No medi vac helicopters present.
That place would have been flooded with paramedics and ambulances rushing these kids to a hospital.
Not 11 minutes later "theyre all dead".
No evidence at all of any kind of evacuation of supposedly 500+ children and staff.
3 pictures exist showing a line of about 12-15 children being walked out. In each photo the kids are in different spots in line.
Where are the other 485 kids?
Parents , in fact pretty much all of them smiling immediately after there child was shot dead.
Thats really all you need to see.
No record of any of these 20 dead children. No birth records, no death records. No crime scene photos. Not one drop of blood.
Parents creating gofundmepages the very same day their child was brutally murdered.
Pages and charities that have to date taken in tens of millions of dollars.
The GOV giving these parents millions of dollars worth of grants.
Giving the Police Dept upwards of 10 million dollars.
Many parents, all in their mid 40's with 5 year old kids turn out to be actors.
Many become anti gun lobbyist overnight and get legislation past creating more gun laws.
All of them are very very rich now. And their pages are still up and running to fraud honest but gullible people out of their money.
Eric Holder meeting with the Governer of Connecticut 2 weeks earlier.
I could go on. You want to believe something without any proof go head.
In fact massive proof that it was fake. Be stupid, be naive, be gullible.
But its because of people like that that thse things keep happening almost daily.