Fake Families


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For those who don't know what the fuck is REALLY happening on the USA Southern border ... beginning with that dick-sucking shithole Julian Castro, O'Rourke, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Democrats ...........

Fake / Fabricated Families


There you have your nice, honest, humble people allegedly fleeing violence, gangs ... and assorted other fabricated bullshit.

Nothing but a bunch of shithole CON ARTISTS! This is whom y'all are supporting, defending, aiding and abetting.
This is whom the Democrats are bending over backwards to provide food, clothing, shelter, lawyers / free legal advice, bus and airline trips to the "destination of their choice," etc. All these SOBs should should go to prison or at the extreme least ... back to their country. There needs to be consequences for these cocksuckers! :cussing:
Democraps and Obama muppets love those