Faith Nelson / Faith / Louise / Sexy Faith

Check out "Fabricia" on eros-london under the super busty section - I swear she looks just like faith???

You are rigth, same piercings. Now some escort adds use pictures from pornstars, so someone could check it out. But also, many porn stars and nude models are escorts. Please someone in London contact Fabricia and fuck her.

You are rigth, same piercings. Now some escort adds use pictures from pornstars, so someone could check it out. But also, many porn stars and nude models are escorts. Please someone in London contact Fabricia and fuck her.

I have to add something. To Faith specialists, are those Faith pictures taken from any photoshoot? or can someone asume she took the pics for escorting services??
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are you talking to me?
obviously the pictures used by the escort (if this isn't Faith) are taken from Faith's collection
The escort add is a con and nothing to do with Faith in anyway shape or form. Just proves how much some people will go to con the foolish and unwise.

The pictures are pure copy and paste.
Faith, can I throw out a request? I was hoping you'd make all of us Star Wars fanboys go crazy by wearing and stripping out of the Princess leia slave costume?? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase????

If not, thanks anyway :)

Edit - Only thread starters are allowed to display pics, IMG tags removed. Read the rules, please.
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Closed Account
Hi there

Just got back off my holidays! I can confirm i am not an escort in London and i dont live in Miami, people just really like to make things up.
Hi there

Just got back off my holidays! I can confirm i am not an escort in London and i dont live in Miami, people just really like to make things up.

Hey Faith,

After your explaining 'Faith exposed' was nothing to do with you, and having turning away from that kind of material, I don't think anyone with an ounce of knowledge of you really believed you would stoop so low as to be 'escorting'.

Luv, 'nuff said :)
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