yea, was an amazing page. too bad they did away with it. def. very hot. i wish shed come up with new material!! ive seen that site in the past, but it didnt really seem like that good of a site. hopefully we can see her soon!!!
Yup, it was an awesome site. A bit TOO sleazy and misogynist in spots--inparticular with the one character, like the one Faith fucked--who had the fake French sounding accent and was badly misogynist. Thankfully, some saved vids live on out there in the fast online land that is the net.
Her's was one of the best. Her site look's more then decent enough, actually I think, but I just don't pay for it. I would love to see some of her work, though. She's appeared on a lot of DVDs, though, if you search you'll find'em.
She has two pages worth of video materlial on over at eskimotube. Enjoy:"faith grant"&prec=yes
To change to the second page, just scan all the way to the bottom and click on the two. Some great vids there. Gotta love her ...