Facts 'they' don't want you to know...

Clothes dummies are living creatures.. they are actually highly intelligent beings from a planet in the Betelgeuse region, called Plasticron.
They are able to blend in perfectly, by allowing themselves to be adorned with clothes and posed in various static positions.
They had originally planned to take over the earth, but their lack of any mobility has somewhat scuppered that idea.

There is no moon.. what you are actually seeing is a laser projection, onto a very large black canvas in space.

The Roswell UFO actually crashed in Cardiff, UK.
Scientists worried that the aliens would be indistinguishable from the local population and would therefore be lost, so the spaceship and the aliens were flown over to the USA and dropped out of a cargo plane.. to be 're-discovered'

It took Neil Armstrong 17 takes to get his lunar module exit/ speech done..
Unfortunately, he still fluffed his line, but Mr Kubrick said that due to time constraints, they would just have to make do with adding some static and hope for the best.

A Chinaman's fart is so strong, you can smell it halfway around the world..
That is why, when you stick your head outside, it always smells like your neighbour is having a takeaway.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is as weak as a kitten..
Due to a mishap when he mistook a bottle of chanel No5 for his daily steroid injection, he was rendered almost completely useless.
His muscles are actually surgically implanted ferrets, which curl up into a ballwhen he bends his arms.. so they resemble real muscles.
He has gotten away with this facade, due to some clever body-doubles and cgi-ing his face onto other actors bodies.

The statue of liberty is actually an optical illusion.
It is actually only 3 inches tall, but has a large magnifying glass screen around it, to make it appear larger.

Freeones was started by the Romans..
They came up with the idea of free porn for everyone and even thought up a serach function.
Sadly, they had neglected to invent the computer first.. or indeed electricity..
The Normans then came along and invented broadband.. but kept it to themselves for several hundred years.

There are eight days in a week..
Between Wednesday & Thursday, there is another day called goneday.
Fortunately for us, the Matrix is rest every Wednesday, so we never notice.

Socks are actually time-travellers from 1944..
They believe that the drawer that they are being kept in, is actually a concentration camp.
They try desperately to escape, indeed every so often, a sock does manage to free itself.. haven't you wondered why you always have a sock missing..?


If any else knows of any 'facts' that shouldn't be known.. please feel free to post them.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
These facts are complete bullshit. :nono:

It took Neil Armstrong 17 takes to get his lunar module exit/ speech done..
Unfortunately, he still fluffed his line, but Mr Kubrick said that due to time constraints, they would just have to make do with adding some static and hope for the best.

Mr. Kubrick would never say that.