Facts About Internet Porn


Retired Mod
* San Fernando Valley is the porn capital of the world.
* 12% of all websites are pornographic
* 25% of all search engine requests are pornographic
* 35% of all Internet downloads are pornographic in nature
* Every second 28258 Internet users are viewing pornography
* Every second $ 89.00 are spent on Internet porn
* Every day 266 new porn sites appear on the Internet
* Sex is the most searched word on the Internet
* U.S. Revenue from Internet porn in 2006 $ 2.84 Billion
* 72% of Internet porn users are men
* 28% of Internet porn users are women
* 70% of Internet porn traffic occurs during the 9-5 workday
* There are an estimated 372 Million porn web pages
----- o 3% produced by the UK
----- o 4% produced by Germany
----- o 89% produced by the US
* Most trafficked adult website: Adultfriendfinder.com
* Countries that ban pornography: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Kenya, India, Cuba, China
* Most visited websites daily:
----- o 1. MSN.com: 220 Million visits
----- o 4. Youtube.com: 196 Million visits
----- o 49. Adultfriendfinder.com: 7.2 Million visits
----- o 145. Nytimes.com: 4.1 Million visits
* 3,412 people visit Kellemarie.com daily


Closed Account
Boo banning pornography! Boo! That's why you're all so angry and hateful, you don't ever get to spank the plank to some sexy woman you'll never get to fuck in real life. :D
* There are an estimated 372 Million porn web pages
----- o 3% produced by the UK
----- o 4% produced by Germany
----- o 89% produced by the US

Team America World Po...rnographers!

Will E Worm

* Every day 266 new porn sites appear on the Internet

List them all. :D ;)

* Sex is the most searched word on the Internet

Right after anal sex. :1orglaugh

* 70% of Internet porn traffic occurs during the 9-5 workday

Sticking it to your overbearing employer. :thumbsup:

* Countries that ban pornography: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Kenya, India, Cuba, China

Sounds like fascist countries I'd like to visit. :rolleyes:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
* Sex is the most searched word on the Internet

That just goes to show how many underaged kids are surfing the internet for porn. They're not even old enough to realize that searching for the word "sex" isn't going to yield very interesting results. Now, if they were searching for "puppet fucking" or "fingers with ass stink", THEN they would get some interesting shit.
Ahhh Pornography how I love thee, let me count the ways:


Okay so there are twenty things I like about porn.

What!?! You thought I was going to share them with you........

HA!!!! You all can just suck on my hairy asshole, if you actually belive that I Brother Blue Lord of all Sinners and Sinners Mothers, would actually lower myself to the level of the common variety Troll then you sir are surly mistaken!!!

Just for this total and unbelivable injustice you have all just perpetrated on this fine pornographic nation and its population of loyal Orks, I here by banish you all to the forbidden zone to live out your days recieving uncomfotable strip teases by 70 year old nuns and getting toothy blowjobs from Bill Cosby.

Now this punishment is not a token of missgivings on my behalf, no!!! It has been sent down generation to generation all the way back to the great leader, the black lord, the Overlord (you get it!) Now I am a peacful and loyal servant who if you knew me would think I was a nice guy. But orders are orders!!!! And if we dont do what we are ordered to do, then what are we?

Pigs!!!! Thats what we are nothing but pigs, we enjoy our teet being suckled but that is the only joy we have nothing more and nothing less until the day we die and are cut up into thinly sliced rahers so that a higher lifeform can eat us inbetween to sliced of bread.

Ohh, for shame!!!!!!!

:nanner: Yeah :nanner:
Not sure what the source is but I am sure those numbers are pretty off ;)


Postal Paranoiac
Does porn include PB or Perfect10 or is it only, like, SloppyBlows.com? :confused:


what the fuck you lookin at?
* Every second 28258 Internet users are viewing pornography

Awesome! I'm a statistic!!!! :nanner:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
In the time it took me to write this and pull out my calculator, $2314 dollars have been spent on porn. I could have rented a monkey for that.