Facebook...why bother

FreeOnes is my Facebook.

I proudly have never had a Facebook or Twitter account. I had a Myspace account for 1 week 6 years ago. Got spammed to hell, closed it and never looked back.

This stuff is all bullshit. All anyone needs is Freeones. :thumbsup:
Because it is an easy way to keep in touch with friends and relatives all around the world.
There is always the option to say no to any friendship request.


I agree nylo, it's just kinda weird that people who we would just as soon forget would actually look us up in an unsolicited fashion. Then you end up thinking .... great ! now I have to be a dick and not be their friend. :shy: :o

I tried to be optimistic and open minded too, but as things go ... I fled.


Facebook has to be one of the gayest inventions ever. It's little more than a popularity contest and place to post up vein pictures of yourself.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Well coming from someone who is living over seas and doesn't get to see family or friends that often, facebook helps me not only stay in touch but also to see pictures and keep up with how everyones doing while I'm over here in Korea.. Not to mention in case of emergencies.. We don't have a phone number for people to call so when my mom passed away my brother of course had the officer call the red cross and all that but he also sent me a face book message that it was a 911. Yeah its taken way out of control but there are plus sides to it..:2 cents:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have no use for Facebook or Myspace. The people I want to stay in touch with already have my phone number. I'm not interested in reconnecting with the douche bags I knew in high school. Some of them never really moved on - they want to stay super star high schoolers forever. That's sad...
Nothing wrong with facebook- I use it to communicate with a number of people on a great number of things. Phone calls aren't always possible, and in the case of some folks, who live WAY far away- chatting with them on facebook is a better option.

For all the bitching about jack offs from high school, etc. I'm amazed not many have noticed that you can deny friend requests and ignore people. I've denied several who were assholes to me many years ago. But then, I've also found friends I haven't seen in about 30 years, and it's been great to get back in contact with them.

I guess I just don't understand all the animosity toward it. It's there- it's free. Use it if you want.

For me- like with my haunted house last year, it was an excellent way to get notifications out to all my staff and actors without having to make somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 phone calls every time.

There's nothing wrong with social networking sites.


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Theres only a handful of people that i even talk to so theres no point in me having a facebook/myspace. The last thing i need is old loser friends or annoying relatives finding a way to contact me so that they can ask to borrow money, help them move, or hook them up with somebody that i havent talked to in a year. Although I am curious what became of my prom date. She was a little nasty thing, that she was. I kid, she was a classy date.
Met a hot chick from South American online back in the day when chat rooms were still commonly used, we would talk online and on the phone and then she sent me an email inviting me to sign up for Facebook.... so I guess you could say I fell for it. Signed up, she was my only friend there, kind of sucked because she had dozens of friends and she later hooked up with some guy and we stopped chatting. I never used my account again until a bunch of people I hadn't seen since 1992 started sending me friend requests. At first it was kind of interesting seeing how old friends have changed since then, okay, I've seen you, yeah, you make more $$ than me, that's fine.

But the most annoying thing... I get friend requests from these people I haven't seen in years, also from spammers from Eastern Europe, but if I send friend requests to good looking chicks who live nearby, they just go unanswered :rolleyes: