Nothing wrong with facebook- I use it to communicate with a number of people on a great number of things. Phone calls aren't always possible, and in the case of some folks, who live WAY far away- chatting with them on facebook is a better option.
For all the bitching about jack offs from high school, etc. I'm amazed not many have noticed that you can deny friend requests and ignore people. I've denied several who were assholes to me many years ago. But then, I've also found friends I haven't seen in about 30 years, and it's been great to get back in contact with them.
I guess I just don't understand all the animosity toward it. It's there- it's free. Use it if you want.
For me- like with my haunted house last year, it was an excellent way to get notifications out to all my staff and actors without having to make somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 phone calls every time.
There's nothing wrong with social networking sites.