when i first joined facebook, i requested to be friends with everyone i could find that i had ever me in my life, not everyone accepted my friend request but enough people did that i eneded up having a little over 500 friends.
fuck ii, my god, that was a mistake, for starters, every time i would log in, my wall would be cluttered with people posting status updates about everything they were doing in there life, from, putting on a band aid, to there daughters first time sneezing
and the ammount of pictures that were posted by my so called friends out numbered the ammount of stars in the night sky, ranging from a snail on a leaf all the way to an ungly baby cuddling with a cute baby (well the parents thought the baby weas adorable)
and before i new it, people were inviting me to everything under the sun, from the mail mans 1000 delivery anniversary, to there uncles brothers, mothers, dads, fathers, bowling team picnic
ant then people started messaging me to see what i was up to now, not that i really wanted to talk to them, i would be polite and respond, then they would either tell me there hole life's story, or they would never respond
fuck this
i got rid of every friend that i had not personally talked to in the last 2 years, and the people that i blocked everyone else
but i still have not got a response from squallumz, that stupid bastard