Fable 2

finally completed the crucible on it. and dumb ass me i decided to kill the village after. now im afraid i cant do it again!!!! shit and i didnt get the weapon yet!
Great game, for the 5 minutes it lasts. I played through it twice and havn't picked it up again since. The storyline is decent I suppose, but not good enough to make up for how short and how easy this game is.

If only they had put more effort into the main storyline and adding other quests to do rather than making every house buyable or adding that bloody dog that does little more than piss you off and...


die on you.

Bloody Lionshead...they have done this to too many games now for me to take them seriously.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Has anyone gotten the new DLC? Is it worth being almost 11$?

The price tag is pretty steep. There are alot of neat things to do with the DLC, but it is maybe an hour of a quest and definetly not worth ten dollars. It is also where I encoutnered my first bugs with the game.
Okay, I haven't really looked too much into this game, but it is got amazing reviews and everyone seems to like it that plays it. I just have one question that will make or break it for me. Is the combat turn-based or real-time?
I enjoy the combat. It is rather quick and fluid. I can go from slicing up a bandit, knocking him back, to pulling out my rifle and unloading a couple of shots in his gut before he gets close to me and I start slicing him up again before I finish him off with some lightning. Very quick and responsive.

Though I am a bit afraid of getting too attached to the game, though. I hear about some big (game breaking/seriously annoying) to little (insignificant) bugs and glitches in the game.

Has anyone encountered any glitches in the game that made you start over or anything? I hear horror stories on gamefaqs where some people screwed up where a character became completely unresponsive and they could not continue the main mission, having to start over; to some marriage glitches and other odds and ends.
I'm yet to come accross any glitches, at least nothing that comes to mind at the moment.

As I mentioned before, the game is very short, which is more of a problem than encountering any bugs or glitches.
mmm, I think I liked the first fable more. In the end this fable 2 is just a bigger better version, but nothing really new. and the story was really nothing special. I liked the dog idea a lot and the funny moments, details and style!
I really hated that I couldnt change the controls of the camera (I wanted to swap left-right), especially because it is sucha cheap and easy feature to implement that is really lame they didnt include it.
This game was pretty good. I played through it 3-4 times and never experienced any glitches. If the game was longer, it would be a solid game.
Eh...it was alright. The story was basically garbage, and all in all it was just everything that the original fable promised it would be...just a few years to late.


Closed Account
This game is made for complete RPG noobs, and it's way too easy. I mean, come on. The Wii is making games so easy and people are cashing in, but I guess it's a good way to weed out the great/good/average/poor gameplayers, and of course, some people just play them out of once a week habit!