Ex's Email

Not sure if this fits in here but i have a question. My ex and I bought a new computer about 2 years ago. We split up recently and i took the old pc. When the isp tech came out to run cable at my new place, he logged on in her user account to check that everything worked. He opened Outlook to verify the connection and it pulled all of her emails from 2 years ago to present. I figured after she checks her mail, it deletes them but i guess not. She still gets them. AND ME TOO! I know it is wrong but it is an easy way to find out if there is someone else. 2 things here. Is there anyway of getting caught doing this and 2, is it morally wrong for me to do it? I know i shouldnt and should move on but DAMNIT its too easy and tempting. Anyone?


Morally wrong, slightly evil and obsessive, but no matter what anyone says here, you're still going to look, so just get on with it.
Obsessive? No. I think it would help me to let go if i found something. But is there a way she or anyone else could find out?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Not really, no. It's as simple as realizing you have her username and password stored in that program. You dial out. Download. Unless you set the program to delete the email off the POP3 server after download.. she wouldnt suspect anything at all.

A'course if she changes her password, you'd get a login error/password incorrect on startup of outlook.

I'm not entirely familiar with outlook.. so I couldnt tell you if SENT mail will be sync'ed to your outlook from hers. But you can definitely see incoming mail.

I'm ambivalent on the matter and wouldnt want to pass a verdict onto you.. but I feel my part is being done by explaining what's actually going on. ;)
Well it would all be on her account on the Outlook servers so everything that she would have done using Outlook should be there, i believe it's stored in the server and not in your system. And yes its wrong, but who cares?

Will E Worm

I say get back together. :lovecoupl :D :hatsoff:
very wrong no matter how you look at it. id even consider it wrong if you two were still together.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Wait until you get to the point where you masturbate to her old pics you took back in the day. Then browse her emails for signs of cybering.

Yeah. That's the ticket. For me at least. I've keylogged every girlfriend I had and didnt read the logs until it was over. Then it was like "Oh, so what's why she was cold that week. She had someone else's cum in her hole" so I was justified in suspecting her, but she went all-out crazy calling me paranoid. I tell ya.. the things they do to make us back down.. even though the truth is all over their faces. ... and dripping out of their holes.

It's hard to trust a woman, it really is. What's the secret? Ignorance? Naivete`? I cant go back to that so somebody please tell me we're working toward some equality goal or something.. cuz I just dont see it. All my chicks have been incredibly devious and horrible. Hell, that includes my mother and sisters. Awful, rotten bitches. What happened?!?
Wait until you get to the point where you masturbate to her old pics you took back in the day. Then browse her emails for signs of cybering.

Yeah. That's the ticket. For me at least. I've keylogged every girlfriend I had and didnt read the logs until it was over. Then it was like "Oh, so what's why she was cold that week. She had someone else's cum in her hole" so I was justified in suspecting her, but she went all-out crazy calling me paranoid. I tell ya.. the things they do to make us back down.. even though the truth is all over their faces. ... and dripping out of their holes.

It's hard to trust a woman, it really is. What's the secret? Ignorance? Naivete`? I cant go back to that so somebody please tell me we're working toward some equality goal or something.. cuz I just dont see it. All my chicks have been incredibly devious and horrible. Hell, that includes my mother and sisters. Awful, rotten bitches. What happened?!?

I could not agree with you more.Your final paragraph is a diatribe of my life.Fuck em all, they can't be trusted, no matter what. Fuck mom and sis too!
Holy Shit MOVE THE FUCK ON jesus meet someone else, you're basically a stalker if you do that, and in some states its cosidered invasion of privacy so you can get sued if you get caught. Look you guys had a good run you should be happy that it lasted that long but, serisously its not the end of the world let her move on without you watching her every step, and you go on and catch your own fish. In all serousness you well take your first step to being a stalker if you do that shit, it'll only be a matter of time before you start sending emails to guys she talks to on her account or until you slip up and forget to mark an email unread DON'T DO IT1


Lost at Birth
do yourself a favor and delete the account, forget about her and get on with your life. if you have any heartache about the breakup then checking her current emails could just amplify that pain. the world's just too fuggin big and full of many gorgeous women to get stuck like a broken record on a girl who left you.
do yourself a favor and delete the account, forget about her and get on with your life. if you have any heartache about the breakup then checking her current emails could just amplify that pain. the world's just too fuggin big and full of many gorgeous women to get stuck like a broken record on a girl who left you.

Fuckin' A and seconded...:glugglug:
Send a mail to your own address that says:

"Hey, I'm so fucking horny, come over to my place and fuck"

If you're really stupid, you open your own inbox the next day and get a pleasant surprise.