Will E Worm
Exploding Electronic Cigarette
A strange accident has left a Niceville man with severe injuries and burns.
He was smoking an electronic cigarette when it blew up in his face.
Laura Hussey "When firefighters here at the North Bay station got the call there'd been an explosion in someone's home, they thought it might be an oxygen tank. It turns out something much smaller had done some awful damage"
Tom Holloway is a photographer, a Vietnam Veteran, a father of three.
Wendy Jensen/Friend "Just a super nice guy, and he's had some health problems with his lungs and so he, he quit smoking"
Neighbor Wendy Jensen says Holloway had been using electronic cigarettes for about two years.
Monday evening, his wife heard a loud noise from the study.
"She said that it sounded like a firecracker, and it was just a horrible noise, and she heard him scream and she ran in there"
Holloway's cigarette had exploded.
The debris that flew around the room was so hot, it melted everything it touched.