Exclusive Archived FreeOnes Interview with Sabrina Deep!


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
Totally awesome, dudes! I have been watching Ninja Turtles lately, so cut me some slack. The first movie was the best. Just sayin'!

Anyway, we got a pretty awesome interview with our very own active OCSM, Sabrina Deep, and we are moving it to the blog.

Why not learn what makes Sabrina Deep so... deep? Bad pun? I think so! This girl has actually met board members here at FreeOnes!

Let's learn a little about her!


How did you choose your stage name? Is this your first stage name or have you had others?
Somehow it’s my real name. One of my names is Sabrina and Deep is the last name of one of my parents, so the combination of the two seemed a pretty natural choice to make since the beginning and since I don’t believe in recycling, that’s what it is and what will be.

Do you have any talents not many people know about?
I’m an excellent eggs decorator, a passion which I unleash especially during Easter and Xmas. Sexually, I can predict when a man is going to come, which comes in pretty handy for my job always concentrate on the man, that’s my first rule.

What kind of music do you listen to?
Find out and read the rest here!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:
Petra[/URL][/B], post: 8254174, member: 114093"]We should do a new interview with you now that you have your new site and all. ;-)
I second this, Sabrina is awesome!

Shut up, asshat.
That's right Petra did win didn't she :D


By the way, i thought to add a most recent pic to that old interview. Aging.
I'll ship the legs' hair to Anders first thing in the morning, for his fetish collection. They'll be glad to sit beside Biebers' ass hair.

View attachment 351158
Hope the team approves the attached pic soon so we can see it, thanks Sabrina.

I would laugh about Anders' fetish but I believe it just might be true:shocked:


Official Checked Star Member
SabrinaDeep said:
By the way, i thought to add a most recent pic to that old interview. Aging.
I'll ship the legs' hair to Anders first thing in the morning, for his fetish collection. They'll be glad to sit beside Biebers' ass hair.

Hope the team approves the attached pic soon so we can see it, thanks Sabrina.

I would laugh about Anders' fetish but I believe it just might be true:shocked:

Well here it is again


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Nope, that didn't work either. :dunno:

Try uploading like five at a time. I hear that works best.


Was King of the Board for a Day
SabrinaDeep said:
By the way, i thought to add a most recent pic to that old interview. Aging.
I'll ship the legs' hair to Anders first thing in the morning, for his fetish collection. They'll be glad to sit beside Biebers' ass hair.

Well here it is again

It's the turban that really makes the picture.