Exchange Offer

If you got a chance to exchange your Girl Friend with any Girl in this world may be pornstar, cleb, or what so ever.... Name the Lucky one and also tell us what make you to so... means what qualities of both girls make you to take this step... It would be better to select only feasible option... means may be girl from your locality because you are about to go for long time relation.

If not then also tell why... :)


If any previous Version of such post exist then Sorry ... I however searched...
Why? Cause your girlfriend is seemingly not good enough so you trade her in for a girl who will be, will do or will give you everything you want? yea thats a good question, also the reason alot of guys break up with whatever girl they are with.

At first glance it seems like a nice harm free question, but underneath just proves the point that given a better offer, no one can be taken for granted.


Closed Account
I happen to have a nice girlfriend who I love and don't want to trade... For anyone... But thanks for the offer. ;)
Hey hey hey Dear friends I am offering nothing ... I was just asking a question... sometimes it happens that we feel that if I able to change my GF i will change with that type of girl.... Thats it I am not asking for any Trade....

However You can say what type of qualities you want in your Girl Friend ... and just put name of girl in whom you able to search that qualities... Sorry for weak English.
I wouldn't trade my fiancee for anyone. I wouldn't have put a ring on her finger if I didnt think she was the best out there.
Why? Cause your girlfriend is seemingly not good enough so you trade her in for a girl who will be, will do or will give you everything you want? yea thats a good question, also the reason alot of guys break up with whatever girl they are with.

At first glance it seems like a nice harm free question, but underneath just proves the point that given a better offer, no one can be taken for granted.

Yeah, that what would say.

I would never exchange her. :bowdown:
I wouldn't trade my fiancee for anyone. I wouldn't have put a ring on her finger if I didnt think she was the best out there.

I totally agree. If I wanted to trade Becks for someone else, that would mean that I settled for her because I didn't think I could do better. Truth is, when I asked Becks to marry me, there was no settling involved. It was because she was the best of all possible worlds. She was greater than I could ever expect. I love her with all of my heart, and that's as good as it can get.
I totally agree. If I wanted to trade Becks for someone else, that would mean that I settled for her because I didn't think I could do better. Truth is, when I asked Becks to marry me, there was no settling involved. It was because she was the best of all possible worlds. She was greater than I could ever expect. I love her with all of my heart, and that's as good as it can get.

Aw, damn. Pardon me while I cry myself into a girly puddle of mush.


what the fuck you lookin at?
i know she would trade me for that prison break guy,
hope he has a hot gf
Hey, I enjoy to fantasize about other women, beat off to porn, etc. just like any other normal guy. But at the end of the day, my girl is my best friend and she means the world to me, and I wouldn't "trade" her for anything or anyone.
Hmm... Let me think about this for a moment... On one hand I have a wholesome girl about whom I genuinely care, one that loves me, and that I get along with just fine. On the other hand I have a COMPLETE stranger who is likely on coke/pot/heroin/dope/etc., and I can watch videos of her allowing hordes of men do what would otherwise be considered humiliating for money. Um... I think I'm gonna keep what I have and not gamble on what's behind door #2.
and I can watch videos of her allowing hordes of men do what would otherwise be considered humiliating for money. Um... I think I'm gonna keep what I have and not gamble on what's behind door #2.

Dear you still didn't got my point I just I wanted to say If you found yourself not interested in your present GirlFriend and you got a chance to change your GF with a brand New GF who love you more then your previous GF... Only bet is that the new one should be face alike any pornstar you love to Fuck... and don't panic your new girls friend wl b Virgin.... total fresh.... :D :nanner: