To renew the popularity of this thread which involve some fundamentals questions about quantum theory over extra dimensions of bra(ne)s I took the time to make some statistics...
I relyed myself on freeones baberank top 100, selected the option "last year" and, for each girl that came out, took note of the size of her boobs and if they were real or not. Check the results :
[A-cup = 1 ; B-cup = 2 ; C-cup = 3 ; D-cup = 4 ...]
I wasn't satisfied by that, I trusted my feelings of a upcoming G-cup invasion and did the same thing but selecting this time "centerfold"
I think it could be interesting to check the evolution of these stats over time. To be continued... Feel free to coment :thumbsup:
I relyed myself on freeones baberank top 100, selected the option "last year" and, for each girl that came out, took note of the size of her boobs and if they were real or not. Check the results :
[A-cup = 1 ; B-cup = 2 ; C-cup = 3 ; D-cup = 4 ...]
OVERALL FREEONES TOP 100 @17/12/2011
Average cup : D+ (4.24)
63% of fake boobs
Average fake : E- (4.73)
Average natural : C+ (3.41)
F-cup or more : 14%
B-cup or less : 12%
Biggest : Carmella Bing H-cup :boobies:
Smallest : [12 girls] B-cup
take note there is not a single A-cup here, only 5 girls are G cup or more. There is a huge percentage (nearly 2 for 3) of fake boobs.
I wasn't satisfied by that, I trusted my feelings of a upcoming G-cup invasion and did the same thing but selecting this time "centerfold"
Average cup : E (5.14)
43% of fake boobs
Average fake : E- (4.93)
Average natural : E+ (5.30)
F-cup or more : 33%
B-cup or less : 9%
Biggest : Terri Jane & Rachel Aldana M-cup :boobies:
Smallest : Private Jewel AA-cup
This time the average cup is 1 unit higher, there is obviously more interest in boobs when the girl doesn't spread her legs. But the dispersion is also wider, going from a micro AA to a crazy KKK.
You can also notice that fake boobs are in a slight minority, and unlike overall stats the average natural is now bigger than the average fake. There is now 22 girls over a G-cup and 64% of them are natural.
I think it could be interesting to check the evolution of these stats over time. To be continued... Feel free to coment :thumbsup: