everyone should know...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
First i would like to appologize to you for the pain and suffering You Might have undergone from reading that. im sorry that my vernacular doesnt stand up to your intellectual might(we all know youre smart, youre cool). second, spending all your time on freeones patrolling what people say about their own personal lives makes you seem totally awesome and someone a would def stay away from you judgemental son of a bitch

Am I the only one who got a huge boner after reading this?
First i would like to appologize to you for the pain and suffering You Might have undergone from reading that. im sorry that my vernacular doesnt stand up to your intellectual might(we all know youre smart, youre cool). second, spending all your time on freeones patrolling what people say about their own personal lives makes you seem totally awesome and someone a would def stay away from you judgemental son of a bitch

Dude, you have passed the point of acceptance here.
With your first post in this thread you already started to walk a thin line,
and every answer you have gotten is exactly what could have been expected.
I therefore think you really lack any intelligence by posting in an offensive manner. Furthermore, judging someone on his internet behaviour on this board by you is not smart.
You yourself are visiting and posting on the board as well, and you clearly lack the originality and vision to anticipate the reactions you have gotten on a post which is at least doubtful.
I say at least, because I think you are person number 5,000,000 who thinks he is original to tell a "Dear Penthouse" story to the board to boost his lonely and pathetic ego.
its true even studies haven proven oral sex to a woman collects siliva and instad of an orgasm it is just a pussy fart with spit. this take about a months time depending on the sloppyness either way.

What... wha.... huh? What studies? I'm afraid for something as ludicrous as that sounds, we'll need links.

I give a shit...why? :dunno:

And we have reached my thoughts exactly on the original post. :hatsoff:

The fact that you use the phrase "beatin it up for a while" makes everything you say seem completely fake and uncredible. Who talks like that? Seriously? Where do people get the idea that saying things like "beatin it up for a while" is ok?

Are people actually impressed when they hear things like that? Do girls actually go for guys who talk like this? If so...

"Yo bitch...my jean bean is ready to slam yo shit up until your thigh meat cries."

Ladies? I'm waiting...

Ha ha ha ha! He should have thrown in a "hella" somewhere in there.

First i would like to appologize to you for the pain and suffering You Might have undergone from reading that. im sorry that my vernacular doesnt stand up to your intellectual might(we all know youre smart, youre cool). second, spending all your time on freeones patrolling what people say about their own personal lives makes you seem totally awesome and someone a would def stay away from you judgemental son of a bitch

Well, it would hardly be appropriate for you to complain that someone is judging what you say about your personal life, since you yourself went to an internet message board, where people ALL AROUND THE WORLD were allowed to read about the rather self-aggrandizing, sexual exploits you couldn't wait to tell of. Would your girlfriend be just as thrilled that you took a private moment, and used it as an opportunity to boast to people half the world away from you about "beatin it up for a while"? I doubt it.

Why is it that when someone gets offended, the first thing they do is to accuse the offending person (Chef) of spending all their time on the internet? I mean, you had a great, momentous sexual encounter with your girlfriend, and the first thing you sought to do was to come to the internet and tell the world about it. What about just enjoying the experience with your girlfriend, rather than making it seem like some kind of sporting event?

Feel free to take offense to my remarks, because you will whether I intended them that way or not - I *am* a judgmental son of a bitch :hatsoff:

We all are, to some degree.

I was just talking to a woman in the bar and i made her cum.It absolutely ran all over the place.Until i realised she was just pissing herself laughing at me.
hahahahaha everybody is so serious. let me say this. i did overreact a little, maybe. its all in good fun though. i knew i was gonna catch a bunch of shit for that post, but i thought it would provide some entertainment.