Ever have a cool teacher?

I had a few I was lucky. Mr.T (never called him by his full name so I can't remember it now) He was my grade school music teacher for 5 years. I even bought my first flute from him. I still see him from time to time and have a beer.

Mr Ross my music teacher all through High school. I taught him how to play classical guitar. Sadly he has moved away now so I don't see him.

Mr. Fratolin(think I am spelling that wrong :( ). I liked history before his class I fell in love with it during the year I had hims as a teacher. He taught totally different than anyone else in the school and he always took time to talk to you if you needed it. I lost touch with him though after High school.
Most of my teachers were cool and I typically got along with them really well. Only a few hiccup here and there with particular teachers.

Mainly had problems with the 2 semi-permanent subs I had for two teachers in HS that left most the year for pregnancies.
I had four that spring to mind. My English teacher from 11th grade, who was just an all-around awesome guy. He liked the Pittsburgh Steelers and would always talk to me and the other NFL fans about football during class. He was the kind of guy that the students genuinely respected; not a guy that only got respect for being the authority figure. I also had a gym teacher in 11th grade that was the same way; a big Steelers fan that all of the kids thought was really cool.

The next year, I had a sociology teacher who was really cool. I feel like I learned a lot from his class, though most of it didn't sink in until long after the class was over. He'd always let us share our opinions in class and I feel like I learned way more from his class than I did from sociology in college (which felt like a bunch of big words and nothing else).

Also in senior year, I had the cliche "hot enlgish teacher." She was awesome, super nice and she was aware that I had a huge crush on her. :o
all my teachers were incompetent fuckheads ! they failed because they too were failures !


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I never had a cool teacher but alot of teachers thought I was a cool student!


Closed Account
The one teacher I can think of was Mrs. Lewis my 2nd grade teacher. Our class went to our school library to pick out a book. To preface this in kindergarten my reading & comprehension was of a 3rd grader, so by the time I was in 2nd grade.. . The book I chose was about submarines. The Librarian said I could check out this book because it was a book for 6 graders. Looking around I chose a book about weather & was told the same thing. Mrs. Lewis saw this and ask me what happaned & I told her. She told me to get the 1st book & she'll go with me to check the book out. The librarian refused again and said that I would only look at the pictures. Mrs. Lewis told the librarian to pick a page in the book. She did & I read it. Mrs. Lewis then asked the librarian would I have a problem checking out any book here. From that point on I had no problems. I was lucky in that I can think of only 2 teachers that were subpar.
For all four of my high school years I had the same teacher (because private schooling). She told terrible jokes yet she really cared about us. Her daughter went to school with me and was really pretty. Sometimes I'd imagine my teacher and her daughter having sex. I kinda miss them. Sweet people.
Yes. Quite a few but one in particular.
She used to flirt with me since I was her assistant senior year, damn I wish I had acted on it a little more.
yeah i actually had some really good teachers in high school...college not so much which really bummed me out considering i was paying for it and actually expected some quality education, but alas, i had a poli. sci. teacher who was sarcastic, bored and unenthusiastic, not to mention a temporary professor, engineering professors who were too busy with their other projects to concentrate on their classes and several other unremarkable professors teaching dull, repetitive classes that i already knew the material covered
I had a teacher in Junior High Ms. Garcia she was fresh outta college and damn fine too, she was the math teacher and wore sexy dresses, nylons, heels :drool2: I always liked her too even when she was a bitch LOL, I ran into her at a bar a few years ago and bought her a drink, which led to talking and flirting. We hung out all night, drinking and laughing, danced and had a goodtime :) I even got a kiss and her phone number but never got to call, sadly she mysteriously died from a horrible drive by cocking :(



I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
My councillor was a huge baseball fan - yes, it was the Cleveland Indians, but still a huge fan. After I graduated, we went to several Indians games, as well as their minor league games (this was in the late 1980s). He died a few years ago, but still led a full life.
I had a social studies and later history teacher who was great. He was excited about everything, and it showed. I see him at work every once in a while - even in his golden years, his passion still shows.
Then I had a Spanish teacher who was obnoxious and fun as hell. He bet another student the teen could not eat a hot pepper (200 chews), then sit still for 10 minutes. The student did not win the bet. That same student liked to copy my homework, then write it on the board for all to see. I also had the only English/Spanish book that had cusswords in it. Every once in a while, I would throw in a couple of choice phrases. Mike would write them on the board. Senior Ellis would crack up every time.
In college, I had an art instructor who loved to play Bob Marley all the time.
I could go on for hours. I had a lot of teachers and instructors who I thought were cool. Then again, I am a geek, so everyone is cool to me.

You are not a geek! You are a fan of education and the art of teaching. Bless you for it.


Closed Account
Miss Karney, grade three summer school. Down to earth, sexy, loved rock music and watching The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.